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Red Gurnard Proposals
The Ministries Management proposal as presented in the IPP

MFish recommends that:
  1. a new five year programme for GUR 3 is implemented under the AMP and that:

  2. the TAC is set at 706 tonnes;

  3. allowances of 3 tonnes each for customary Maori and recreational catch are made within the TAC; and

  4. the TACC is decreased from 900 to 700 tonnes;

the GUR 3 AMP be reviewed in 2005.

For the full document (10 pages) :

If you have Microsoft Word www.option4.co.nz/ippdocuments/ippgur3.doc (84Kb)

Or in a PDF document www.option4.co.nz/ippdocuments/ippgur3.pdf (43Kb)

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