The material
in Soundings covers the key points. Submissions will be summarised,
and by 31 March 2001 the Ministry of Fisheries is required to
report back to Cabinet. While I cannot anticipate what Cabinet
will decide, if change is required following careful consideration
of the submissions, there may be a further round of consultation
on a specific proposal before looking at the need for any legislative
change. Whatever happens will take some time, and there will be
further opportunities for input and dissemination of information
about the proposals at a later stage. You may be aware that I
have agreed to extend the deadline for submissions to 20 December
2000. I hope that this will be long enough for you and other affiliated
clubs and associations to determine their collective positions.
The deadline cannot be further extended without putting the timetable
for later work at some risk. I can assure you the government is
committed to an open transparent process.
All those
who make a submission will receive a copy of the summary of submissions.
The Ministry of Fisheries intends to contract this work out to
an independent party. Each submission will be considered on its
own merits. While the number of people supporting a particular
view is important, the Government will be particularly interested
in well thought out ideas about the best way to move forward.
Yours sincerely
Hon Pete Hodgson Minister of Fisheries