2 June 2006
Kahawai Legal Challenge
November 6th is the new date for the High Court hearing of the Kahawai Legal Challenge. The hearing was adjourned from June 6th due to the delays in receiving evidence from the commercial parties involved in the case and the Crown, represented by the Minister and Ministry of Fisheries.
The Kahawai Legal Challenge team reluctantly asked for the adjournment, as they would not have had time to respond to the affidavits before the June hearing. The adjournment certainly was not due to the unavailability of the team’s QC, Lyn Stevens, irrespective of what the MFish CEO, John Glaister, maybe saying in public.
Legal Representation
Lyn Stevens QC has been appointed as a High Court judge, so he is no longer available to the legal team. Joining the team is Alan Galbraith QC. Alan has been a Queens Counsel since 1987 and has a vast amount of experience in High Court proceedings. He is very keen to be involved with this test case and the team is excited to have him leading the case.
The team appreciates the work that Lyn has done to strengthen this test case and his willingness to contribute to the Challenge by charging well below market rates for his time.
Kahawai Campaign
The Kahawai Legal Challenge Update #16 featured in the July edition of the New Zealand Fishing News. It advised the public the case had been deferred but at the time the Update was written no new hearing date had been given by the High Court.
Acknowledgement was given of the financial contributions from the Gisborne - Tatapouri and Tauranga Game Fishing Clubs.
Kahawai Booklets
The Campaign team would appreciate the return of Booklets if people have finished their fundraising effort. Any queries can be directed to Jo Harris on 0800 KAHAWAI (0800 52 42 92).
Kings of the Coromandel Tournament
Stu Cameron of Fish Crazy Imports kindly offered to ‘fly the flag’ for the Kahawai Legal Challenge team at the recent Kings of the Coromandel tournament. Stu picked up a couple of boxes of t-shirts and Campaign Booklets and headed to the Long Bay motor camp Coromandel on Thursday 22nd June.
Unfortunately for all 1200 contestants and hard working organisers the wind was blowing from the south and by Sunday there was snow on the ranges. With such cold conditions no one was keen to stand around for much longer than the time it took to do the prize giving in the evenings. Not many t-shirts were sold but the Kahawai Campaign team acknowledge and appreciate Stu’s willingness to stand and represent the Kahawai Legal Challenge team at the inaugural Kings of the Coromandel Tournament.
NZBGFC Club Fundraising
It was a pleasure to be invited to the Mercury Bay Game Fishing Club to address a meeting of locals and give an update on the Legal Challenge and how that ties in with the pending Shared Fisheries Policy project. Jeff Romeril, Bill Ross, Scott Macindoe and Trish Rea were all given the opportunity to explain different aspects of recreational fishing advocacy. Jeff gave an update on the Legal Challenge, Bill delivered background information on option4, Scott tackled the financial aspects of the Campaign and Trish gave an overview of the Shared Fisheries Policy project.
Pure Fishing had attended a club meeting the week before and donated a rod, reel, line and soft baits to the club. The New Zealand Big Game Fishing Council club raffled the package and raised $200 for the Kahawai Campaign; this was given to the team on the night. Thanks everyone.
Counties Sports Fishing Club has recently sent through $500 as a contribution to the Campaign. While attending a recent meeting of the NZBGFC Zone One representatives the Challenge team was given a cheque of $1000 from the Doubtless Bay Sportsfishing Club. Well done everyone.
How You Can Help
The Campaign team are privileged to have the ongoing support of Black Magic Tackle. Rick Wakelin and his team are totally committed to the success of the Kahawai Legal Challenge. Money from the sale of a special range of KLC rods and reels is given directly to the Challenge Fund. Glorious effort Black Magic.
If you would like to help win this critical case please get involved, there are many ways you can help.
Trustees of the Challenge Fund include the NZ Fishing News.
The primary fundraising tool is the Kahawai Booklet. If you want to get involved and raise donations please call our help team on 0800 KAHAWAI (52 42 92).
A snappy navy Kahawai Challenge t-shirt is available for $20 by calling
0800 KAHAWAI (52 42 92). Most sizes available.
If you require assistance or would like to know more please call our team on
0800 KAHAWAI (52 42 92).
A quick $20 donation can be made by dialling 0900 KAHAWAI (52 42 92).
This will be debited to your phone account.
Visit the website www.kahawai.co.nz to order your Booklet online and make a secure online donation.
Please send your Booklets and/or donations to:
Kahawai Challenge Fund
c/o NZ Fishing News, Freepost 131323, PO Box 12-965, Penrose, Auckland |