2 June 2006
Kahawai Legal Challenge
May’s big news was the deferral of the Kahawai Legal Challenge in the High Court from June 6th to some time after August 1st. The delay is due to the Crown not presenting its evidence in time for the Kahawai Legal Challenge team to respond before the June hearing date.
Both the Crown and commercial interests involved in the case have not complied with the Court’s timetable to present their evidence. Affidavits from the commercial parties were presented two months late. The Legal Challenge team has asked the Court to give the Minister and Ministry of Fisheries a deadline of June 6th as the absolute last day to provide their evidence. This timetable would allow the Kahawai Legal Challenge team three weeks to respond. While this timeframe may seem tight the Challenge team are determined to proceed.
Stuart Ryan of Hesketh Henry Lawyers and Lyn Stevens QC are spearheading the Legal Challenge and guiding the public’s representatives. Paul Barnes, Kim Walshe, Keith Ingram, John Holdsworth, Pete Saul, Rick Boyd, Sonny Tau, Scott Macindoe, Richard Baker and Jeff Romeril have committed so much of their time and resources to get to grips with the case, the complexities and details. The public are fortunate to have such a high calibre team focussed on this Challenge.
Everyone involved realise the implication of this case go far beyond just kahawai and expect the outcome to have an influence on future allocation decisions for all inshore shared fisheries.
A number of all-day sessions have been held to nail down the issues and compile affidavits in response to evidence presented so far. Despite the two-month delay in receiving the commercial affidavits and nothing from the Crown the team are confident they are on the right track and will not be derailed by this latest development. Full details are online at https://www.kahawai.co.nz/kahlbgfc506.htm
Kahawai Campaign
The June edition of the New Zealand Fishing News featured the Kahawai Legal Challenge Update #15 flagging the issue of the pending court case. It also raised questions as to why the Ministry of Fisheries were proceeding with the Shared Fisheries Policy allocation process and trying to change section 21 of the Fisheries Act before a determination had been given from the Court on what our current rights are. The Kahawai Legal Challenge team will be monitoring the Shared Fisheries Policy process closely. Update #15 is online at https://www.kahawai.co.nz/kahupdate15506.htm
A number of the New Zealand Big Game Fishing Council clubs have stepped up the fundraising drive and delivered generous donations to the Challenge Fund. Tatapouri Sports Fishing Club and Tauranga Game Fishing Club are two notable recent donors. The Legal Challenge team are privileged to enjoy the support of these clubs and acknowledge the New Zealand Big Game Fishing Council’s ongoing commitment to the success of this Challenge.
Kahawai Booklets
Follow-up calls are still being made to Kahawai Booklet holders. The latest results have been mixed and the Campaign team would appreciate the return of Booklets if people have finished their fundraising effort. Any queries can be directed to Jo Harris on 0800 KAHAWAI (0800 52 42 92).
Kings of the Coromandel Tournament
The offer to make a presentation to the inaugural Kings of the Coromandel fishing tournament still exists. The tournament will based at the Long Bay motor camp Coromandel from Thursday 22nd June to Sunday 25th. Organisers are expecting around 1200 contestants so it would be a great opportunity to talk a large audience. The tournament director, Milan Radonich, has been advised the team are not likely to be available to attend but he has given us the flexibility to call him a week beforehand so he can arrange a speaking slot if someone can attend. More details are online at
How You Can Help
The Kahawai Legal Challenge is a worthwhile cause. If you would like to help win this critical case please get involved, there are many ways you can help.
option4 has been managing the fundraising aspects of the campaign supporting the Kahawai Legal Challenge.
The primary fundraising tool is the Kahawai Booklet. If you want to get involved and raise donations please call our help team on 0800 KAHAWAI (52 42 92).
A snappy navy Kahawai Challenge t-shirt is available for $20 by calling
0800 KAHAWAI (52 42 92). Most sizes available.
If you require assistance or would like to know more please call our team on
0800 KAHAWAI (52 42 92).
A quick $20 donation can be made by dialling 0900 KAHAWAI (52 42 92).
This will be debited to your phone account.
Visit the website www.kahawai.co.nz to order your Booklet online and make a secure online donation.
Please send your Booklets and/or donations to:
Kahawai Challenge Fund
c/o NZ Fishing News, Freepost 131323, PO Box 12-965, Penrose, Auckland. |