3 March 2006
Kahawai Campaign
Not to be missed is the first of several television programmes covering the kahawai campaign on Sunday 19th March at 8pm. The Tangaroa programme on Maori TV is the 5th in a series of 13 and features the first hui attended by the Challenge team at Whitiora marae, Te Tii, Northland, lots of interviews and even kitefishing on Muriwai Beach with comic Pio Terei talking with Paul Barnes, project leader of option4.
We will let you know the dates of further programmes as soon as we have confirmation.
Fundraising Booklets
Requests for the Kahawai Campaign Booklets are still coming in and the call team is busy following up people currently holding Booklets.
If you still have your Booklet and feel you have done your best to raise funds for the Challenge please return the Booklet in the envelope provided in the support pack. If you need any help or more information please call 0800 KAHAWAI (0800 52 42 92) for assistance.
Thank you to all those who have already returned Campaign Booklets, your support is greatly appreciated.
Tee shirts
Sales of tee shirts and wrist bracelets are still going well. We still have plenty in stock, at $20 each the tee shirts are great value and look good too. The tee shirts have proved a hit as team uniforms in fishing contests. To order your tee shirt and some for your teammates please call Jo Harris on 0800 KAHAWAI (0800 52 42 92).
Chesters Fanatical Fishos
Highlight of the month would have to be the presence of the Kahawai Legal Challenge at the annual fishing contest hosted by Chesters Plumbing and Bathroom Centre in New Lynn. Both Paul Thompson and Richard Brown did a great job representing the team, selling tee shirts, explaining the issue and raising funds. Thankfully the weather was kind and that made the day so much more enjoyable. The opportunity to buy some quality fish, at reasonable rates, from the auction that followed the weigh in topped off a great day.
Thanks to Grant Chester and Alan Radcliffe for another outstanding event and to all the contestants who supported the campaign.
The Kahawai Legal Challenge is a worthy cause. If you would like to help win this critical case please get involved, there are many ways you can help.
option4 has been managing the fundraising aspects of the campaign supporting the Kahawai Legal Challenge.
The primary fundraising tool is the Kahawai Booklet. If you want to get involved and raise donations please call our help team on 0800 KAHAWAI (52 42 92).
A snappy navy Kahawai Challenge t-shirt is available for $20 by calling
0800 KAHAWAI (52 42 92). Most sizes available.
If you require assistance or would like to know more please call our team on
0800 KAHAWAI (52 42 92).
A quick $20 donation can be made by dialling 0900 KAHAWAI (52 42 92).
This will be debited to your phone account.
Visit the website www.kahawai.co.nz to order your Booklet online and make a secure online donation.
Please send your Booklets and/or donations to:
Kahawai Challenge Fund
c/o NZ Fishing News, Freepost 131323, PO Box 12-965, Penrose, Auckland. |