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Kahawai Challenge Update #5 Mar 2005

Kahawai Challenge Making Headway

Kahawai Challenge team

March 2005

Kahawai Legal Challenge Update New Zealand Fishing News

April 2005 edition

After meeting with the Hesketh Henry Lawyers the team can confirm the Statement of Claim regarding the Minister of Fisheries 2004 kahawai decisions will be filed in Court during April. We expect to be in the High Court by the end of this year. The current challenge for the participating parties is to finalise affidavits to support the points being made in the Statement of Claim.


Although the New Zealand Big Game Fishing Council (NZBGFC) and the New Zealand Recreational Fishing Council (NZRFC) are the official applicants in this case, the New Zealand Angling and Casting Association (NZACA) and option4 are committed to assist these organisations. We will be putting in maximum effort to protect your interests in not only kahawai, but all other fisheries we have an interest in.

Kahawai Challenge Fund

The same people who manage the Snapper Fighting Fund are managing the Kahawai Challenge Fund. The system for managing this fund is well controlled and monitored by representatives from the NZBGFC, the NZRFC and option4. The NZBGFC and option4 have committed to underwriting the Fund with another $25,000 being invested by the NZBGFC to get the Fund underway.


The thrust of the campaign to support the Legal Challenge is aimed at empowering people to do their bit by way of the Kahawai Legal Challenge Supporters Pack. This gives everyone the opportunity to raise funds from people they know, people we cannot reach without the help of ordinary New Zealanders. We cannot afford to run expensive advertising campaigns to reach out to the general public. As Mark Feldman put it so aptly in last month's NZ Fishing News, “ we already pay to run the Ministry of Fisheries, they are supposed to protect our fish. Now we have to pay twice, once to the taxman to fund the Ministry and now to the lawyers to protect our fish from the Ministry”.   


When people realise what is at stake they get stuck in and use the Supporters Pack to its maximum capacity. We have some real heroes out there, some who have distributed hundreds of Supporters Packs, others who have distributed dozens and others who have done what they can with one or two Packs. Every single Booklet that is completed counts and is appreciated.


What if there is no Legal Challenge?

Some people have asked what will happen to the money in the Kahawai Challenge Fund if the Legal Challenge does not proceed. The Challenge will proceed and the priority for any money raised will be paying the legal fees associated with the case. Next priority is to cover the campaign costs. There has been a huge investment in Supporter Packs, attendance at events, printing, advertising, t-shirts and other material. This needs to be covered by fundraising efforts. The underwriters of the Challenge will only be paid if there is sufficient money available to cover the first two priorities.

Maori Participation

Some of the Kahawai Legal Challenge team have been working very hard to engage with Maori interests and the response has been outstanding. Kahawai is of common interest to both Maori and non-Maori. The team is receiving warm appreciation and support for the work we are doing. There are strong indications that affidavits to support the Statement of Claim will be forthcoming. If ever there was a finfish species of importance to Maori, recreational and sustenance fishers, kahawai is it.

Kahawai Decision Review

The Minister of Fisheries, David Benson-Pope has indicated there will be a review of his 2004 kahawai decision later this year. Benson-Pope would have been aware that better information would be available this year and even more information about the kahawai fishery would be finalised by 2006. Despite this he decided to follow the final advice from his Ministry and ignore our concerns.


This year's review is likely to go against our interests as the research will probably show we are not catching as much kahawai as what the Ministry thought, therefore they will more than likely feel justified in advising the Minister to reduce our allowance. This is guaranteed to erode our interests in the kahawai fishery further. What the Ministry and Minister fail to acknowledge is that as the biomass (number of fish in the water) decreases, so do our catches. As our access to kahawai has diminished, so has our catch rate. Current fisheries management and the kahawai decision have all acted against our interests; it is time we fought back against this nonsense of “fisheries management”.


What is your fishing worth to you and your family? The price of a couple of dozen beer or a bottle of good wine?


Stand and Fight

Please follow through with one or more of the following actions and make a difference:

  • Call 0800 KAHAWAI (52 42 92) to find out more.
  • Go to www.kahawai.co.nz and order your Supporters Pack online.
  • Simply dial 0900 KAHAWAI (52 42 92) to make a $20.00 donation. The $20 donation will be debited to your phone account. Please do this more than once.
  • Email us at contact@kahawai.co.nz . We will get back to you as soon as possible.

This challenge to the Ministry's short sightedness and folly is vital and could set a precedent for the future of much more sensible, sustainable management and recognition of the importance of recreational fishing.


The success of this campaign rests with you.



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