More fish in the water
None of the Challenge team envisaged these Kahawai proceedings would stir so many people into action. Freshwater anglers, conservation and seabird enthusiasts, civil rights campaigners, and flax-roots Maori customary and amateur fishers all stood up and supported the objective of "more fish in the water".
Maintaining these relationships will be the ongoing challenge, as the Minister is expected to review kahawai management in 2010.
The Courts have clarified that the Minister of Fisheries has the discretion, provided he is well informed, to set the total allowable catch at or above the biomass (stock) level that can produce maximum sustainable yield (MSY). For most fisheries, management above MSY means greater numbers and larger, older fish.
So the Minister has the flexibility to leave more fish in the water if he chooses and has sufficient information to support his decision.
Another confirmation was that the Minister must set the total allowable catch (TAC) first, before he decides on the allowances and ultimately the total allowable commercial catch (TACC).
Phil Heatley will need to set the total allowable catch (TAC) in each of the six management areas to ensure the ongoing sustainability of the fishery resource, when reviewing the Kahawai stocks next year.