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Kahawai Challenge Update #3 Jan 2005

Kahawai Has Been Privatised

Kahawai Challenge team

January 2005

Kahawai Legal Challenge Update NZ Fishing News

February 2005 edition

New Zealand's second most important recreational fishery in the country – kahawai, has been privatised. The Minister of Fisheries alleges that this was done so the kahawai fishery could be better managed.

The New Zealand Big Game Fishing Council, New Zealand Recreational Fishing Council, New Zealand Angling and Casting Association and option4 strongly disagree. These representative organisations believe kahawai have been unjustly taken from recreational and Maori customary fishers to prop up excessive commercial quotas. They are certain the Minister, David Benson-Pope, has failed to properly "allow for non-commercial fishing interests" as directed by the Fisheries Act.

Recreational fishers intend to challenge this decision in court and they need your help.


What's Wrong?

This decision rewards those who have done the damage to the fishery with valuable fishing quota while ignoring the interests of non-commercial fishers.

The Minister's allocation decision will not rebuild the depleted kahawai fishery. In fact it is likely to decline further. Nor will it restore the access recreational and customary Maori fishers have lost as the kahawai fishery has plummeted to its lowest ever levels. While non-commercial fishers are expected to continue to suffer, the Minister has allowed commercial fishers to catch around 140 tonnes more per annum than they have managed to catch over the last few years!

Even though recreational and Maori customary fishers have seen their catches drop by half since the commercial purse seine fleet has been let loose (see graph) the Minister wants to cut recreational catch by a further 600 tonnes per annum, a move that will take 1.2 million meals off the tables of recreational fishers.


Kahawai Catch by Fishing Group

While the Ministry of Fisheries contend there is no scarcity of kahawai, the graph uses their figures to show a massive decline in recreational and Maori customary catch as the purse seine fleet exploited the fishery in a race to build catch histories and secure valuable quota rights.

It is obvious that the activities of the commercial purse seiners are the cause of the decline in the kahawai fishery and the cause of reduced recreational and Maori customary catches of kahawai.

Your representative organisations are very concerned. If recreational and Maori customary fishers stand idle and let the Minister of Fisheries get a way with this unjust allocation process in kahawai, how long will it be until he takes other precious inshore species like snapper, crayfish and scallops off you?


What You Can Do

A Kahawai Legal Challenge team has been established to coordinate the court case. This team comprises the best recreational fishing representatives in the country alongside a formidable legal team from Hesketh Henry Lawyers.

Yes, a court case will be costly, yet if we don't challenge the Minister's decision, we stand to lose in every other fishery. How determined are you to defend what is yours? What kind of New Zealand do you want your children to inherit?

The Kahawai Legal Challenge team are working on behalf of us all. Just like you, they are very concerned and they have put together a free Supporters Pack. This Pack is a powerful tool that will allow you to join with thousands of other New Zealanders who are outraged at losing their right to fish for food and are prepared to do something about it. It's easier than you think.


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