Decisions on Kahawai land him in Court
Challenge team
The Minister's kahawai
decisions have ignited intense debate amongst recreational fishers.
With such unprecedented levels of public awareness these decisions
always had the potential to be controversial. After extensive
discussions the New Zealand Big Game Fishing Council (NZBGFC),
the New Zealand Recreational Fishing Council (NZRFC) and option4
have all agreed that the allocation decisions for kahawai made
by the Minister of Fisheries, David Benson-Pope, are so unjust
that they must be challenged in the High Court.
What are the objectives
of going to Court.
The objective of the challenge
is to ensure the kahawai fisheries can rebuild to an abundance
and availability that allows non-commercial fishers a good chance
of catching a reasonable bag (limit) of decent sized kahawai.
Why are the Minister's
decisions regarded as being so unjust?
- These decisions are not designed to rebuild the fisheries
– they are designed to lock us in to a proportional share
while the fishery is at its lowest ever point and recreational
catches are correspondingly at an all time low. And still the
Ministry insists there is "no scarcity".
- The decisions call for a 15% reduction in catch by both commercial
and recreational fishers. This effectively means that recreational
catch is to be cut by 600 tonnes per annum while commercial
fishers will, believe it or not, be allowed to catch 140 tonnes
(5%) more per annum than they have managed to catch over the
last few years – even after the (so called) 15% reduction
in their allocation.
- Kahawai, the second most important species to non-commercial
fishers is being managed on a knife edge. Totally inadequate
information to base decisions upon. A high risk management strategy
which condemns kahawai to being fished like so many other species
i.e. to the commercially driven "Maximum Sustainable Yield"
– a strategy that has not worked for the fishing industry
when applied to the finfish species most important to them.
- Most of the quota issued to commercial fishers will go to
the handful of fishing companies who chose to use purse seiners,
often assisted by spotter planes, to target kahawai in a "race
to establish catch history" in the late 80's and early 90's.
Tens of thousands of tonnes of kahawai were annihilated, much
of which was sold for very low returns to export customers such
as the Australian crayfish bait market. This senseless slaughter
broke the back of the kahawai stocks at the direct expense of
non-commercial fishers catch rates.
- Many commercial fishers who take kahawai as an unavoidable
by-catch are now obliged to try to rent quota from these companies.
If they can't lease the quota and the deemed values are set
higher than the port price on offer then dumping could become
a threat to the sustainable management of the fisheries.
Effects on those
who catch kahawai for food
The Minister states in
his decision letter - "I note that setting an allowance
for recreational fishing less than the current level of use
will require adopting other management measures to achieve this.
A reduction in the daily bag limit per person is
the most likely outcome, however MFish will
provide me with further advice following consultation with recreational
fishing interests on how best to
achieve the required restraint on recreational
If "reduction of the
daily bag limit per person " is used to achieve the 15% restraint
decided upon, the cuts will need to be severe. Very few people
catch anywhere near the bag limit. Those that do need a bag limit
often depend on kahawai to feed their families with fish. They
typically fish off the beach or from small boats in sheltered
waters. These people will bear the full brunt of any reductions
in our bag limit and will have food taken from their dinner tables.
So, while we struggle to give effect to the need to reduce our
catch by 15% the fishing industry are scheming how to catch an
extra 5% - how bizarre!!
Effects on Maori.
It is Maori who have such
a rich history of harvesting kahawai to manaaki manuhiri i.e.
to give hospitality to their visitors. The ability to do this
sustains tribal mana. As fisheries managers move to constrain
recreational catch by 15% it is Maori who stand to lose the most
- physically, spiritually and psychologically.
Before the Minister sets
the commercial catch, he must allow for non-commercial fishing
interests including both recreational and customary Maori fishing
interests. This is required by statute. The interests of recreational
and customary Maori non-commercial fishers coincide to a great
The well documented traditional
catches of kahawai by Maori at river mouths such as the Motu River
will only recover if more fish are left in the sea.
We also ask, what good
is exercising non-commercial customary fishing rights (or recreational
fishing rights) if entire schools of kahawai are "missing in action"
having been fed to Australian crayfish?
What claims are
we going to make in Court?
We intend that our lawyers
issue proceedings to review the Minister of Fisheries' decisions
allocating quota for the kahawai species. It is envisaged
that the legal proceedings issued will seek declaratory and other
relief to set aside the Minister's decisions for the kahawai species
for 2004, and for future years.
The proceedings will
contend, among other things, that the Minister's 2004 decisions
are wrong in law, including claims that the Minister's decisions:
How can you help
and contribute?
The option4, NZBGFC and
NZRFC teams have already invested thousands of man hours to develop
the challenge to this stage. We have spent more than $50,000 on
legal advice, assembling affidavits and gathering of evidence.
NZBGFC and NZRFC have signed
off on Engagement Terms with our lawyers. We are lucky to have
Hesketh Henry Lawyers representing us with such commitment and
belief. They have agreed to generous terms to prosecute what they
regard as an essential and winnable legal challenge. We estimate
court and legal costs to be at least $200,000. The costs of mounting
the public awareness campaign will also be considerable.
Over the last six weeks
Don Glass, the Campaign Manager, has assembled a powerful and
committed team of professionals, all of whom have agreed to help
at discounted rates.
NZBGFC have contributed
seed funding of $25,000 with option4 adding another $10,000. The
balance of the money required has only one source – you,
the non-commercial fisher who cares about the ability of our children
to experience the joy of catching a kahawai and bringing it home
to feed the family. How much do YOU value this most fundamental
part of being a New Zealander?
More importantly, please
consider giving some of your time and energy. We are searching
for PEOPLE willing to contribute as we say "Stop this
Madness NOW"
Your help is desperately
- People who truly value their ability to catch a kahawai. Dial
0800 KAHAWAI (524 292) or email (preferably) Don at
The Support Pack will be mailed to you immediately.
The booklet and cover letter will help explain the issues. Then
it's up to you to canvass friends and family, people at the
ramp or workmates.
- If you are not available to help in this direct manner, please
give generously by
- Sending your cheque to us, the Kahawai Challenge Fund c/o
NZ Fishing News PO Box 12-965 Penrose, Auckland. More
details here » »
- Dial 0900 KAHAWAI (524 292) to contribute $20. This will
simply be debited to your phone account. Don't make the mistake
of only dialing once.
- Register
to receive regular Updates on the Challenge progress.