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Kahawai Submission

by Kaikoura Boating Club

April 2004 


1st April 2004

Kaikoura Kahawai  

Our group is representative of nearly 400 members.

Some issues we would like considered before setting TACC for Kahawai.

  1. We believe the Kaikoura Kahawai fishery is still seriously depleted and that a concerted effort needs to be applied to ensure that it is allowed to recover.
  2. The Kaikoura Voluntary Purse-seine Agreement that protects our close to shore Kahawai needs to be more permanent. The Townspeople detest having Purse-Seine Vessels fishing close to shore. Hectors Dolphins are disrupted in this zone also.
  3. The KAH areas are too large, a TACC should be set for area 018 to ensure that KAH 3 effort can't be concentrated around Kaikoura.
  4. We have no problem with a commercial take in our area so long as it is in a controlled manner.
  5. Possible interaction with sea birds, seagulls and terns etc. in that there is a lack of Kahawai to drive krill minnows etc. to the surface for surface feeding birds.
  6. The plateau areas on either side of Kaikoura Peninsula leave the schooling Kahawai as "sitting ducks" for purse seine operations reiterating a controlled harvesting approach.
  7. An annual consultative meeting with industry could be desirable.

Richard Craig

Vice President

Recreational Fishing Committee

Kaikoura Boating Club



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