Kaikoura Boating Club
1st April 2004
Kaikoura Kahawai
Our group is representative
of nearly 400 members.
Some issues we would like
considered before setting TACC for Kahawai.
- We believe the Kaikoura Kahawai fishery is still seriously depleted
and that a concerted effort needs to be applied to ensure that
it is allowed to recover.
- The Kaikoura Voluntary Purse-seine Agreement that protects our
close to shore Kahawai needs to be more permanent. The Townspeople
detest having Purse-Seine Vessels fishing close to shore. Hectors
Dolphins are disrupted in this zone also.
- The KAH areas are too large, a TACC should be set for area 018
to ensure that KAH 3 effort can't be concentrated around Kaikoura.
- We have no problem with a commercial take in our area so long
as it is in a controlled manner.
- Possible interaction with sea birds, seagulls and terns etc.
in that there is a lack of Kahawai to drive krill minnows etc.
to the surface for surface feeding birds.
- The plateau areas on either side of Kaikoura Peninsula leave
the schooling Kahawai as "sitting ducks" for purse seine operations
reiterating a controlled harvesting approach.
- An annual consultative meeting with industry could be desirable.
Richard Craig
Vice President
Recreational Fishing Committee
Kaikoura Boating Club