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Letter to NZ Outdoor Editor Dec 2004


Letter to Editor - NZ Outdoor Magazine
by Trish Rea
December 2004

This letter was originally published in NZ Outdoor Magazine
February - March 2005 issue

Kahawai Fishery
Congratulations to Bill Axbey on his article "Fishy Business" in the December issue.

The plight of our fish species as outlined by Bill Axbey has no better example than the kahawai, which is our number one recreational fish for young and old and one that allows many families to enjoy a meal of fresh fish at a reasonable cost. The article also cast doubt on the quota system, self lauded by ministers from Luxton to Hodgson and now Benson-Pope.

It is that very quota system that the Minister and Ministry of Fisheries are using and strangling the kahawai resource further by putting it into the "system" on the basis of virtually no regard for the recreational/customary public's interest. The quotas set are based on the catch history of over-fishing, which is simply "more of the plundering as in the past."

Kahawai have been ruthlessly plundered by corporate company purse seiners with the blessing of the Ministry of Fisheries. Kahawai are an important, integral part of the food chain which involves other fish species (e.g. kingfish, snapper) and sea birds.

The recreational fishing bodies- the NZ Big Game Fishing Council, the NZ Recreational Fishing Council, the NZ Angling and Casting Association and option4, are preparing a legal fight to save the kahawai. We are taking the Minister to court over his failure to recognise the public's rights.

But we need every outdoor-minded Kiwi's support. A committee has been established and Supporters Booklets are being issued so the public can reach out to their friends and families to help raise the finance required to fund the court case.

Please make a contribution. It's for your children and grandchildren's future fishing too.

How much? The most you can afford! To put it into context, an average bottle of wine is $20. A couple of dozen beer is $25. A trout fishing licence is $88 for just one year. We are talking in the case of the kahawai of not one year, but years and years in the future.

It's time to stop the madness of purse seining our kahawai out of existence for little economic return to our country.

Contact Don Glass on 0800 KAHAWAI (52 42 92) or email don@kahawai.co.nz to find out more.

To make a $20 donation please dial 0900 KAHAWAI (52 42 92) or order your Supporters Booklet online at www.kahawai.co.nz/book_form.php

Remember give as generously as you can. Your help is much appreciated and vital!

Trish Rea
Kahawai Legal Challenge team


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