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Parliament House


Telephone (04) 471 9999

4 - MAR 2004

Mark Feldman



Dear Dr Feldman

Thank you for your letter dated 13 February 2004 concerning the initial position paper on kahawai.

You note that the Ministry of Fisheries is currently consulting on a proposal for setting sustainability (catch limits) and other management controls for kahawai. While crediting the Ministry of Fisheries with presenting most of the facts in the Initial Position Paper (IPP), you do not agree with its conclusion that currently there is no scarcity within the fishery and therefore no clear-cut requirement to consider reallocating between sector groups. You consider such a conclusion to be at odds with many of the facts you have listed for the fishery and assume this to be the result of the Ministry of Fisheries' commercial bias and insensitivity to social issues.

The Ministry of Fisheries' role is to independently provide me advice on proposals, as well as trying to encourage consensus amongst stakeholders. Consensus is not always possible and it is probably inevitable for shared fisheries that proposals displease one or more stakeholder groups. Contrary to the assertion made in your letter, this does not mean that the Ministry of Fisheries favours the commercial sector or any other sector group.

Rather, the Ministry of Fisheries encourages constructive debate and welcomes any written submission on its proposals. The Ministry of Fisheries prepares me final advice only after reviewing and analysing all submissions. Any new options or issues raised in submissions such as those contained in your letter, are considered as part of this process. The IPP is currently in the consultation phase and I do not intend to comment on the detail of your letter, however I can tell you that a response to submissions will be available when I advise of my decisions.

You request an increase in the time for providing submissions on the IPP. The Ministry of Fisheries advises me that an extension to the deadline for the receipt of submissions until 16 April 2004 has been agreed to.

Thank you again for your letter. I appreciate the active role you have taken in advocating for improved management of the kahawai fishery and I understand that my decisions are of vital interest to the recreational sector.

Yours sincerely

Hon. David Benson – Pope

Minister of Fisheries
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