Decision Cover Letter
of Fisheries
August 2004
Dear Stakeholder
Decisions regarding
the setting of sustainability measures and other management controls
for kahawai stocks to be introduced into the QMS on 1 October
- I enclose a letter outlining the Minister of Fisheries' final
decisions on the setting of sustainability measures and other
management controls for kahawai stocks to be introduced into the
Quota Management System on 1 October 2004.
- The Minister's decisions pertain to the setting of:
- Total Allowable Catches;
- Total Allowable Commercial Catches;
- Allowances for recreational interests, customary interests and
other sources of fishing-related mortality;
- Deemed values; and
- Overfishing thresholds.
- Copies of the Ministry's Final Advice Paper, dated 29 June 2004,
are available from:
Kristin Philbert, Ministry of Fisheries,
P O Box 1020, Wellington, (04) 470 2585, Kristin.Philbert@fish.govt.nz
- The documents outlined above will be made available on the Ministry's
website: https://www.fish.govt.nz/information/quotams.html
Yours sincerely
Arthur Hore
for Chief Executive
Encl |