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Kahawai MFish Letter July 2005

Kahawai Stakeholder Cover Letter

Ministry of Fisheries

8 July 2005


Dear Stakeholder


Review of sustainability measures and other management controls for kahawai for the 2005-06 fishing year.

The purpose of this document is to seek your views on Ministry of Fisheries (MFish) proposals to review sustainability measures and other management controls for kahawai for the 2005-06 fishing year.

Kahawai were introduced into the Quota Management System on 1 October 2004. Catch limits and allowances for kahawai stocks were set prior to that time. The Minister of Fisheries has asked for a review of current sustainability measures for kahawai. Two options are proposed for consultation. The first is to retain the current catch limits and allowances for kahawai stocks.   The second option is to reduce kahawai catch limits and allowances for all kahawai stocks by 10%.

MFish is formally consulting on behalf of the Minister of Fisheries in relation to these proposals, in accordance with the Minister's statutory obligations to consult under the Fisheries Act 1996.  

MFish welcomes written submissions on the matters contained within the IPP. MFish requests that you provide comments on the proposals for kahawai no later than 5 August 2005. Please send your comments to: Kristin Philbert, Ministry of Fisheries, PO Box 1020, Wellington, or email kristin.philbert@fish.govt.nz

Should you wish to discuss the content of the IPP please contact:

  • Arthur Hore, Senior Fisheries Management Advisor; or Graeme McGregor, Fisheries Advisor on (09) 820 1990

Please note that all submissions are subject to the Official Information Act and can be released, if requested, under that Act. If you have specific reasons for wanting to have your submission withheld, please set out your reasons in the submission. MFish will consider those reasons when making any assessment for release of submissions if requested under the Official Information Act.


Yours sincerely

Arthur Hore

Senior Fisheries Management Advisor

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