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Mark Feldman M.D.

March 25, 2004

Dear Minister:

I would like to draw your attention to a part of the last letter you sent to me. As you can see from enclosed copy, the letter asserted that the Ministry of Fisheries does not "favour the commercial sector or any other sector group."

As a new Minister of Fisheries it would be comforting if you could believe that statement and have complete trust in your Ministry's advise, but this would be a very dangerous assumption for you to make. In actuality, commercial bias is a part of just about every body that regulates fishing anywhere in the world. Despite the fact that there's very little outright corruption here, New Zealand is no exception. The Quota System, and its pattern of property rights, has yielded a unique variety of problems with bias.

These assertions are explained in the enclosed article published worldwide in "New Scientist" in 1998; nothing has changed since then.

To cope with the very difficult job of being Minister of Fisheries you will need to understand that the Ministry has been very successful at self-promotion but not at fisheries' management. lt will be up to you, as Minister, to balance the power the commercial sector has over the Ministry so you can protect the rights of the average Kiwi.

If you would like to discuss the enclosed article, or get an alternative opinion on the issue of bias and how it will effect your coming decision on kahawai, I would be happy to meet with you at your convenience.


Mark Feldman MD.
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