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Mark Feldman M.D.

March 3rd, 2004

Dear Prime Minister

I would like to draw your attention to a problem at the Ministry of Fisheries before it becomes a public relations disaster that you don’t need right now.

Kahawai, the “people’s fish” are due to come into the Quota Management System this October. After years of mismanagement, MFish wants to continue with the status quo, declaring that the fishery is stable. MFish has no grounds for declaring the fishery stable and there’s heaps of evidence to the contrary. For over fifteen years, thousands of recreational and subsistence fishers have been complaining about the declining kahawai fishery and they have plenty of proof to back up their complaints. The Ministry has managed the fishery so badly that the average Kiwi fishermen today has to fish for five hours to catch just one kahawai. Twenty years ago they could have caught fifteen fish in that same five-hour period!

But the Ministry seems intent on repeating the scampi fiasco; rewarding members of their old boy network with quota and, as the Select Committee said, “building on past errors and injustices rather than taking steps to rectify them”. The difference this time is that the conflict is not just between a handful of commercial fishers; the conflict is between one corporation, Sanfords, and a million disenfranchised Kiwis. Over a million Kiwis depend on kahawai they’ve caught for seafood. Many of these people are financially disadvantaged and cannot afford to buy fish. The only way they can get it is to catch it for themselves.

The Ministry’s own study showed that kahawai are worth fifteen times more to the recreational sector than to the commercial. Despite this, MFish wants to continue with the status quo, costing the country over a hundred million dollars in economic activity a year. The irony is that Sanfords doesn’t even profit from the fishery. Kahawai are so low valued that they barely make enough to keep their purse seiners running.

The Ministry has ignored the objections of the recreational and subsistence fishers for many years and now they want to hand over the property rights of all Kiwis to one corporation, their friends at Sanfords. This is going to hurt a lot of people and has already begun to arouse considerable anger.

Can you intervene and restore the historical rights of all New Zealanders, correcting past injustices dictated by the Ministry of Fisheries?

Mark Feldman M.D.

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