option4 Update # 41 April 2004 |
Kahawai and Big Game Submissions |
Late breaking news on kahawai |
Niwa have not been able to collect enough kahawai from boat ramp surveys to complete their research despite increasing their effort. More https://www.option4.co.nz/Fisheries_Mgmt/kahnniwa404.htm |
New Zealand Big Game Fishing Council submissions on the introduction of Broadbill, Sharks and Tuna to the QMS. |
The NZ Big Game Fishing Council have been busy submitting to MFish on the bigger species. The hundreds of hours they have spent dissecting the Ministry's proposals for these fisheries have produced outstanding and very worthwhile submissions. Compelling arguments why our broadbill, sharks and yellowfin tuna should be managed in the interests of the fisheries and New Zealanders can be studied here in full. Well done and thank you to NZBGFC for your efforts on behalf of all non-commercial fishers. Broadbill swordfish submission >> https://www.option4.co.nz/Fisheries_Mgmt/swosnzbgfc04.htm Shark submission >>> https://www.option4.co.nz/Fisheries_Mgmt/sharksnzbgfc04.htm Yellowfin Tuna submission >>> https://www.option4.co.nz/Fisheries_Mgmt/tunasnzbgfc04.htm |
No way is it fulltime on kahawai |
While the Ministry may have rung the bell on the public by limiting submissions to April 16 we haven't. You deserve every opportunity to have your concerns recorded so we are leaving the Alert #6 submission open for all those who feel strongly about their access to the kahawai fishery. If you haven't already submitted, please take a couple of minutes to submit to the Ministry and decision makers. The overwhelming opinion to date is that the theft of our kahawai must not be allowed to continue. Go here to read the Alert #6 and submit. Alert #6 >> https://www.option4.co.nz/Updates_and_Alerts/alert6.htm |
Why the outrage over kahawai? |
Key points and a challenge to stand and fight for a fair go here >>> https://www.option4.co.nz/Updates_and_Alerts/nzfnupdate41404 |
option4 kahawai submission |
The full submission from option4, NZBGFC and NZACA is now online. Read why we object to our rights to access this fishery being given away forever to the few who use purse seiners and spotter planes to target and annihilate whole schools. Such a shortsighted approach to management of our fisheries is economic and ecological wreckage. We will not accept public servants favouring commercial interests over the rights of New Zealanders to catch kahawai to meet their cultural, traditional or recreational needs. Read the submission here >> https://www.option4.co.nz/Fisheries_Mgmt/kahsoption4.htm |
No scarcity of kahawai submissions |
If the Ministry haven't got the message by now that New Zealanders want their kahawai back they will have no doubt after reading the submissions from non-commercial interests. Some of these submissions are available online. The NZRFC have supported the option4, NZBGFC and NZACA effort in their own submission. CORANZ, well known skipper Rick Pollock and kahawai stalwart Mark Feldman all have strong opinions on how the Ministry's proposal is contrary to reality. More submissions can be read here >> https://www.option4.co.nz/Fisheries_Mgmt/kahawai.htm |
A fishing industry submission on kahawai |
Sanford Ltd, the main commercial fishing company targeting kahawai have made a submission. All this fuss and bother to keep the cost of tuna fishing down. Read here >> https://www.option4.co.nz/Fisheries_Mgmt/kahssanford.htm |
Public submissions |
Well done to the 1200 plus people who have submitted to the Ministry's management proposal for kahawai – its not too late to join those who have done their bit - go here >> https://option4.co.nz/Updates_and_Alerts/alert6form.php |
Support |
Thank you to all those generous people who have donated to help option4 protect the rights of the public to fish for food. Without you we would not be as effective as what we have been. To keep the pressure on those making decisions that will affect the ability of our future generations to enjoy our fishery resources please make a donation to the Fighting Fund here >> https://www.safeshop.co.nz/option4/Secure/donations.htm or post your contribution to
Public meetings |
The ARC is holding a series of meetings to discuss aquaculture in the Firth of Thames, Ponui Island and Sandspit areas. Serious safety concerns have been expressed if the 4,300 ha marine farm application proceeds. The community must get out and have their say. More information here >> https://www.option4.co.nz/Marine_Protection/mpnarc504.htm |
Conservation Boards |
If you have an interest in the environment then a position on a Conservation Board could be an effective way to participate in your community. There are 46 vacancies nationwide. Applications close on April 30 th . Go here for more information >> |
Next meeting of the Auckland Conservation Board |
Great Barrier Island is the venue for the next ACB meeting. For more details on how you can participate go here >> |
Regards from the team at option4 [ footing ] |