option4 Update #12 December 2001 |
The Minister says " no consensus yet on the best way to protect recreational rights in the future" Last
month in Update # 11 we wrote -
What then, we must ask, is this consensus we keep hearing about? option4 are quite clear - the public of New Zealand has achieved an unprecedented degree of consensus. Where does the Ministers statement "there is no consensus yet" leave us to go? What do he and his Ministry expect the public to do now? option4 is clear where we need to go. We need to continue to stand up collectively for our, and our children's, heritage to make sure that those who would attack our rights to fish for food know that they have a fight on their hands. There are several imminent decisions this Minister has to make, not the least of which is what to do with the estimates of public snapper catch (Apparently the public take of snapper is more than double the amount they have currently allowed for us). As the 1996 Fisheries Act clearly states, the Minister "shall allow for" recreational take. option4 believes this means the Minister should allow for the full amount of recreational and sustenance take. If he chooses not to, he is likely to find out once more just how much consensus there is in the recreational sector. There is clear evidence that the agenda being pursued by Ministry is for the public sustenance fisher to accept a proportional share. We all know what that means - a privatised public fishery equals a collective right instead of our current individual right. Make no mistake, it will be a weaker right if the bureaucrats get their way. This collective right will be doomed to continual erosion. We will find ourselves becoming minor shareholders in a set of industrial fisheries that are obviously more focused on export dollars than recreational fishing opportunities. option4 draws much of its strength and support from its ongoing focus on the absolute need to clearly define the priority right of the public over the fishing industry to harvest seafood from the marine environment. Thanks for your
responses and support so far.
A big thankyou to all those of you who have offered to assist when and where necessary and to those who have made donations or pledges. If you support what option4 is striving to protect on your behalf, remember, we cannot win without the support of the public who fish for food and recreation. We are very fortunate to have organizations like Chester's Plumbing Supplies who have already pledged a minimum of $3,500 to the Fighting Fund. Please give generously to the fighting fund. Post your contribution NOW to PO Box 37951, Parnell. "What's New" postings to the site since the last Update
The Cabinet Paper and the Minute of the FIN Committee decisions is being data entered as we speak and will be on the site within the next day or two. Reed Publishing
support for option4.