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Kahawai Alert - Thank you

Thank you to everyone who completed our Alert #16 Kahawai survey by Friday 13 August.


Over 1050 people responded to the Alert #16 Kahawai survey. This was the most response we have had to any initiative since 2005. Well done to everyone!

Kahawai review 2010

Kahawai - stage one completed

Submissions have closed for what is considered the last major review of kahawai stocks by the Ministry and Minister of Fisheries. A plethora of information has been gathered online to make it easier for you to find, download and read.

Please help yourself to the information, some of this material has not been readily accessible in the past. Find out more about the kahawai 2010 process here.........

Hot Topics

option4 Update #137

What are the Minister's priorities for kahawai?

Raging controversy and kahawai have become synonymous terms over the past twenty years, but the next few weeks will be most influential....

Latest News

Marlborough Blue Cod fishery opening soon?

A controversial closure of the Marlborough Sounds Blue Cod fishery to amateur fishers has generated widespread debate over the past two years. The Ministry of Fisheries is now consulting on proposals to re-open the fishery in 2011, read more here...........

Recent news

option4 Update #136

Should we be scared?

option4 agree that more decisive management action needs to be taken due to the lack of information on kahawai numbers. option4 cautions the Minister against claims of 'best available information', especially when that data is contrary to what is happening on the water.

Hokianga Accord news

Accord Update #36

Accord wary of closed door decision making forums

Despite the progress to accommodate Maori concerns at a national level there is a lack of goodwill being shown to mid north iwi within the Ministry of Fisheries' regional forum process......

Accord Update #35

Will the mighty kahawai ever be plentiful?

An Update from the Hokianga Accord, the mid north iwi fisheries forum. The Accord supports the joint kahawai submission to MFish. Kahawai need to be protected from industrial harvesting and stocks need to be restored.

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Foreigners not only fisheries scandal

There is something more toxic in our marine environment than the unidentified organism causing havoc around Auckland beaches. Billions of dollars that could have accrued to our national economy have been squandered as a consequence......

The Hokianga Accord is the mid-north iwi fisheries forum which includes Ngapuhi, Ngati Whatua, commercial, customary and amateur fishing interests.

The Accord holds regular hui around Northland. The thirteenth hui was held in June 2009.

Individuals and groups with an interest in the marine environment are welcome to participate in the forum’s hui.


“More fish in the water/Kia maha atu nga ika ki roto i te wai.”

Kahawai submission

 option4 Principles
A priority right over commercial fishers for free access to a reasonable daily bag-limit to be written into legislation.
The ability to exclude commercial methods that deplete recreationally important areas
The ability to devise plans to ensure future generations enjoy the same or better quality of rights while preventing fish conserved for recreational use being given to the commercial sector.
No licensing of recreational fishers.
A balanced approach to marine protection
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