representatives are not negotiable on the following
principles and will demand the following on behalf of all those
who endorse the option4.co.nz submission.
- No licensing
of the public to exercise their rights to fish.
- The public
must have a priority over commercial fishers and free access
to reasonable daily bag limit in legislation.
- An area
right capable of excluding commercial methods that deplete recreationally
important areas
- The ability
to devise plans to ensure future generations enjoy the same
or better quality of rights while preventing fish conserved
for such purposes being given to the commercial sector.
option4.co.nz will not let them compromise your rights to fish and gather
seafood. Option4.co.nz will not sell out the rights of future
New Zealanders to a reasonable daily bag limit. Option4.co.nz
will not let the public of New Zealand become a minor shareholder
in a commercially run fishery.
The redefinition
of recreational fishing rights must include the following: