In the Tribal Policy Statement of Ngaati Te Ata it is stated
- Ngaati Te Ata consider that within their tribal territory they
are the legitimate authority. This authority arises from the mana
of the iwi and is in accordance with the Declaration of Independence
of 1835 signed at Ngararapapa, Awhitu 22 July 1839.
- We require recognition of their our within their tribal territory
- The tikanga of Ngaati Te Ata, that is its inherent right as
an iwi, gives it the right to define its own reasons for anything,
to have its own methods or logic for determining what is significant,
to have the authority and control to determine what is right,
correct, and normal for it, and to have its own customs, habits
and values, independent of others.
- Ngaati Te Ata are willing to enter into relationships with other
agencies such as the Crown, local authorities, other iwi, and
community groups on the understanding that their rights as a sovereign
nation are respected.
- In addition the UN Draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous
Peoples, recognised by the New Zealand Government in 1989, includes
the clause: "the freedom of indigenous peoples to
manage their own affairs, to develop based on their own needs
and value systems, to preserve their cultural identity and pursue
their own cultural development, to collectively and individually
own, possess, or manage their lands and resources in accordance
with their own preference". This principle means
that Ngaati Te Ata and no other person or organisation external
to it determines its preferences and how they are expressed, managed
or controlled.
- As kaitiaki, that is custodians, guardians or protectors, the
approach to ecological management is holistic and provides for
the following:
1. Restoration of damaged ecological systems
2. Restoration of ecological harmony
3. Ensuring that resources and their usefulness increase.
4. Reducing the risk to future and present generations.
5. Providing for the needs of present and future generations.
6. Protect sensitive features of the environment.
All who interact with Ngaati Te Ata within their tribal territory
must give effect to and positively support such aims.
- Ngaati Te Ata have never relinquished the kaitiaki-ownership
of its waterways and the fisheries therein within its tribal territory
and only they have the right to manage and control the fisheries.
Neither have they relinquished kaitiaki- ownership of natural
and physical resources within their tribal territory. Under Section
17 of the Environment Act 1986, having never relinquished authority
and responsibility for natural and physical resources, they consider
they are the legitimate environmental managers of all natural
and physical resources.
Participation in the Establishment of a Marine Park
As regards protection of coastal waters, intertidal areas and shoreline
through the establishment of a Marine Park it follows that Ngaati
Te Ata consider we have the right to control fisheries, harvesting
of the intertidal areas, and protection of the shoreline and coast.
We specifically require:
- That recognition be given to the ownership of the fishery resource
within their tribal waters.
- We have the right to determine management preferences in respect
of the fishery.
- That we can prohibit all commercial fishing in our tribal waters,
inland waterways and associated tributaries within their territory.
- Existing fishing regulations are not adequately enforced so
much illegal fishing To enforce their own justice system as it
applies to iwi or resources or taonga owned by iwi they should
have the right to appoint Maori Rangers or Wardens. These would
protect the fisheries both as regards their own justice system
and existing fishery regulations.
- We consider that the same fishing regulations should not be
applicable to the East and West Coast. They consider that because
of the cooler waters scallops are immature and the season should
be a month later on the West Coast. No fishing should be permitted
for flounder during the spawning season.
- Fishing reserves we were promised in the 19th Century are still
not recognised. Such reserves must be recognised and given protection.
- There must be full consultation with Ngaati Te Ata as regards
naming of land or sea areas or species within their tribal area
e.g. the name for the southern sector of the proposed Marine Park
or the reclassification and naming of North Island Hector's dolphin.