Manukau Sports Fishing Club Inc
PO Box 60379
Attention: Ken Catt
Auckland’s Wild West Coast Working Group
PO Box 4514 Te Atatu Peninsula
Waitakere City
18 May 2003
Dear Ken,
As we said we would in the Manukau Sport Fishing Club’s previous
submission dated 12 December 2002, the Club’s committee and
225 members have considered the new information that has come to
light since that date regarding the proposed West Coast Marine Park.
This information has come from the now published glossy brochure
‘Greater Protection for Auckland’s Wild West Coast’
and attendance at all the Public Meetings held to date.
The Club’s membership opposes the proposals laid out by Forest
& Bird under the thinly disguised mantle of Auckland’s
West Coast Working Group in the strongest possible terms.
Our initial impression that Forest & Bird had a disproportionate
representation on the Working Group has been confirmed. The proposal
is no longer from the Working Group but from Forest & Bird in
conjunction with the West Coast Working Group. We abhor the lie
that is being repeatedly presented for public consumption that the
proposal in its current form represents the ‘unanimous views’
of the Working Group when it patently does not – it is Forest
& Bird’s proposal.
With this now in sharp focus, as members of the predominant user
group of the proposed Park from MLWS out to sea, we find it intensely
distasteful that proposals are being foisted upon us by an overwhelmingly
land based pressure group. That this group feels bull kelp is in
enough danger to merit special protection gives us little confidence
that marine interests are in well informed hands.
One of the main planks to justify the plan at all - protection
of the North Island Hector’s dolphin – has recently
disappeared with the introduction of the commercial set net ban
within 4 miles of MHWS. It is now obvious that without this laudable
aim the planned Marine Park has no practical purpose at all.
By your own admission at several Public Meetings, there are abundant
laws already on the statute books to afford protection to flora
and fauna in the water, in the intertidal zone and above MHWS. You
also admit that the implementation of these regulations is what
needs urgent attention. This, implementation and enforcement of
existing regulations, is where effort and resources, both monetary
and human, need to be focussed. The establishment of a Marine Park
is an unnecessary beaurocratic layer that will afford no added protection
to anything.
The Marine Park proposal without these justifications can now be
seen for what it is – a softening up process for your (again
publicly admitted) desire to see a chain of Marine Reserves in the
area. Your denials that this is the case, I’m afraid, are
as unconvincing as your denials that Forest & Bird had undue
representation on the Working Group were five months ago. Forest
& Bird were not to be trusted then and are not to be trusted
I repeat, and want to make it abundantly clear, that the Manukau
Sport Fishing Club opposes in every detail the Marine Park as set
out in ‘Greater Protection for Auckland’s Wild West
This submission is the Club’s current position and supersedes
our submission of December 12 2002.
Written confirmation of receipt of this submission would be greatly
Yours sincerely
David Theobald
for Manukau Sport Fishing Club