[ supporter ]
Boat Show
(Thursday 30/8/01) – option4 team members will be there. A dedicated
team, led by Trish Rea, are on deck at the Ramco stand. Thank you
Bill Mackrill of Ramco Boats for your very real support.
been going on.
are conscious of the lack of information flowing to you, option4
supporters, the very reason for our existence. The debate/process
has however been ongoing and intense, and for good reasons, subject
to a little Government control.
In May the Minister
asked option4 to nominate individuals to join what was being named
the Ministerial Advisory Group. This was subsequently formed as
the Ministerial Consultative Group (MCG) the purpose of which
was/is to offer the Minister a sounding board for Ministry generated
policy recommendations.
The first MCG
meeting in Wellington on 25/6/01 with nine recreational representatives
drawn from option4, Rec Fishing Council, New Zealand Big Game Fishing
Council, a charter operator and a Maori Customary representative.
The meeting commenced with significant discussion regards confidentiality.
option4 were uncomfortable with any level of gagging or confidentiality
agreement which precluded wider discussion with involved and affected
parties. The Minister recognised our concern and agreed that papers
presented and discussed were available to be shared with those whom
the MCG participants felt they needed to consult with. It was confirmed
that who said what would remain confidential (Chatham
House Rules) in order to foster open and candid debate and prevent
future recriminations at a personal level. The Minister is to be
acknowledged for his understanding and consent to our request.
The Ministry
personnel attending then presented three Draft Working Papers
for consideration structured as follows:
- Improved
- Management
- Define rights
In effect those
attending were being presented with draft policy ideas and formulations
on how the rights of recreational anglers could be strengthened
and enhanced. In addition, ideas on management regimes and structures
were advanced and the method through which recreational catches
could be better measured.
A response to
these papers was requested by the Minister and after further general
discussion the meeting ended with representatives analysing and
talking about the papers late into the night. There were mixed views
on the subject matter and consensus was not immediately apparent
on many of the proposals. However, it was at least something to
get our collective teeth into.
The 9 days following
this meeting saw a massive effort go in by the option4 wider
consultative network to respond in writing to those Draft
Working Papers. The New Zealand Big Game Fishing Council (NZBGFC)
delivered a very well reasoned set of responses as well. The attendees
drawn from the RFC submitted individual responses. It must be remembered
that attendees were not seen as being recreational group
representatives in the eyes of the Minister at this time. Both option4
and the NZBGFC however have always seen our roles as representatives
of our groups and not the individual participation as suggested
by the Minister.
The second MCG
meeting on 10/7/01 saw the sounding board responses
acknowledged briefly by the Minister. There was concern by non-recreational
attendees that the recreational response was not per their expectations.
The Minister recognised that option4 and others were clearly not
accepting of the proposals that Ministry were promoting and wished
to advance the discussion to achieve consensus. For the record,
option4 determined that we were facing a policy drafted on the principles
of options 2 and 3 from Soundings which we understood
had clearly been discarded by the volume of option4 supporters.
The Draft Policy document was then taken off the table
at the request of the Minister. Discussion then proceeded with the
Labour Partys 1989 Recreational Fishing Policy - Moyles
Promise - being put on the table by option4. This was in response
to the Minister asking what it was that we DID agree with!
Attendees were genuinely elated at such a major breakthrough.
There appeared
to be acceptance of the principles of this paper (check
it out on our web site ) and the meeting concluded with the
attendees being requested to produce further written submissions
on what would be acceptable policy or legislative changes to satisfy
the recreational lobby. Discussion on the right was
also held and attendees were advised that certain changes to the
Fisheries Act had already impacted on any common law right such
that there was no longer the said provision. Again further private
and group discussion were held after the Ministers departure
some extending into the wee small hours
Detailed discussion
and the now common e-dialogue commenced the next day. The sense
of optimism and genuine feeling that progress was being made was
soured when a modicum of research by one of our members revealed
that the s89 statement was substantially incorrect and had no legal
founding. Concerns over why this had been raised became the
topic of many discussions and emails. A meeting with option4 legal
council was quickly arranged and our fears were substantiated. Discussions
on all legal avenues was explored and noted for future reference.
It was realised that we were again doing Ministrys work for
them. To further assure ourselves of the legalities relating to
our actual legal rights a meeting was convened in Auckland to which
all recreational groups involved in the MCG were invited. Additional
guests attended and the meeting centred on an expert on the 1996
Fisheries Act who must remain nameless. To ensure that nothing was
missed the entire meeting was captured on video. Again we were advised
that our rights were much stronger than we had been previously
advised and it was recommended that we resisted any changes to the
current and imminent legislation coming into force. Accordingly,
we did not submit to the Ministers request to deliver our
thoughts on legislative changes and alterations at the next MCG
held on 30/7/01 and had to advise him of why. He again accepted
our concerns and advised that without consensus he would find it
difficult to proceed.
We then requested
that a summit meeting be held comprising of a full day in Auckland
where the issues could be properly presented and our thoughts could
be further refined. This meeting is still to be held but is scheduled
for the first week in September. In addition, option4 has held another
full day meeting to further investigate our legislative position
and to explore strategies for the summit meeting. An option4 member
has thoroughly researched International law and Fisheries Treaties
to which New Zealand is a signatory and has also discovered a wealth
of research and information on fisheries management techniques and
tools. The singular disturbing fact to emerge from two weeks of
full time work is that there is a massive lack or indeed
absence of information relating to the rights of individuals to
fish in the sea. There are hundreds of research documents on Maori
and Indigenous peoples rights but next to nothing on anyone
elses. We are apparently the silent majority.
Option4 are
committed to seeing this process through and are ourselves frustrated
at our inability to more fully communicate the real detail. However,
work will shortly commence on extensions within the web site to
include a Knowledge Basket which will allow supporters
to explore the legislation and the issues as far as they desire.
This will include summaries of International Treaties and copies
of important research papers relating to our fisheries and a copy
of the entire Fisheries Act itself, including amendments.
As stated previously,
the summit meeting will be held soon and option4 will produce an
update of the meeting as quickly as is possible. Until then, remember
that you cant catch a fish without having a line in the water
(preferably with a hook attached to it!).
Happy fishing.
Scott Macindoe
and Bill Ross
[ footing ]