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Update #29 29 July 2003
  To option4 website
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Dear [ supporter ]

Great Barrier Marine Reserve Proposal
When is the Department of Conservation (DoC) going to produce it's evidence to justify a marine reserve on the northeast coast of Great Barrier Island?

The public have asked for:

  • more information
  • adequate consultation

On day 86 of a 90-day process DoC advise us by email, "To ensure that your view is included in the report, please submit your questionnaire by 31 July 2003".

Is this good enough?

It seems the submission deadline has been extended by one month and two 'Drop In' meetings organised. The critical issue of public awareness is still not being addressed. option4 are determined to see good process and adequate consultation. So far DoC have failed to deliver on both.

Drop In Sessions
For a report on the first 'Drop In' meeting held on Wednesday 9th July click here
A report of the second meeting held on Tuesday 15th July can be read here

Background information on this proposal is available at

Two excellent submissions have been written in response to the DoC Barrier proposal. Both are must-reads as they make some excellent points.

Recreational Fishing Council submission
Rock Lobster Industry Council submission

Now is the time to step up to the plate and make your views known, then DoC cannot say they weren't told of the public's concerns. It really is that simple.
Make a submission online at
or call Emma Rush on 09 3074862 for a proposal document and submission form.

option4 have a strong interest in conservation. Our principle # 3 asking for a Planning Right is all about the ability to conserve fish for future generations. To achieve this we need a system where those fish we conserve are not allocated to the fishing industry.

Kingfish are about to enter the Quota Management System (QMS). The public have made an enormous effort to conserve the kingfish stocks with voluntary one metre minimum size limits and one fish per day on most boats these days. Meanwhile the industry has seen the introduction into the QMS as an opportunity to build up catch history. The Ministry are now recommending to the Minister the industry be allocated as much, if not more than they have already caught till now. option4 have responded to the ministry advice. The full documents will available soon at

Tawharanui Marine Park
The Auckland Regional Council (ARC) have proposed to change the Tawharanui marine park to a marine reserve. The original submission deadline was 18th July but this has been extended. One of the major concerns expressed at meetings has been DoC gaining control of another public area. Contact Alan Moore at ARC for a copy of the proposal at 09 3794420.

Background information, option4 response and a submission form are available at

Thank you to those who have contributed to the rights debate. The ability to fish for food is a precious right we are trying to protect for our future generations. The Waikato Sports Fishing Club have very generously donated to the fighting fund. Thanks for your ongoing support.

Every dollar donated is used to defend the publics right to go fishing for food. The money pays for us to
  • keep the public informed
  • attend meetings
  • formulate fisheries management strategies
  • provide advocacy services
  • maintain the website
  • employ one fulltime coordinator

Support the team, you know it's the best use of your money you'll ever give anyone.


Regards from the team at option4

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