[ supporter ]
Reform Process - Reference Group – 1 st Meeting 29/1/03
meeting focused on the purpose of reform. Different interpretations
of what Government hoped to achieve from the reforms were expressed.
Officials stated that the objective had always been clear - to improve
the quality of recreational fishing through better defining the
recreational right (and thus protecting it from possible future
erosion), providing for its integration with existing rights and
improving the operation of fisheries management. The reforms also
sought to increase the participation of recreational fishers in
the management of their fisheries. Public fisher representatives
thought the reforms were more to do with capping the level of public
harvest to avoid future compensation issues for the crown.
following questions have been asked. What is the specific legislation
that has been passed that threatens the rights of the public to
fish for food? What was the purpose and intent of that legislation
and how were the public consulted when that legislation was introduced?
Officials agreed to provide a paper setting out where the right
to fish came from, how (and at what point) this right to fish became
eroded and subservient to other statutory rights and obligations.
the minutes/notes of these meetings are agreed upon they will be
posted to the option4 website under the heading “Rights Reform Process
- 2003”
of Fiordland Proposals
Alert that the online supporters of option4 received generated 270
submissions. The final submission from option4
covers many of the concerns arising from the proposals and
incorporates a number of points made by option4 supporters. The
focus of option4's submission is on the proposals by the Guardians
to change many regulations that currently define the rights of the
public to fish for food. Of real concern are the changes proposed
to your right to accumulate daily bag limits and reductions in those
daily bag limits. The chance to fish these amazing waters comes
but rarely to a small number of the public. Those who are keen enough
to make the effort to enter this region generally do so for extended
periods. The reality of what they actually harvest is not dealt
with adequately in the proposals. Nor is there sufficient information
offered about the catches of the other sectors. The fishing industry
would appear to have agreed to not fish inside the “Habitat Lines”.
These are lines drawn across the Sounds at about the mid point.
They are also considering a range of practises designed to minimise
environmental damage from cray pots. However, they are not considering
any reductions in Total Allowable Commercial Catch (TACC) whilst
the public are being asked to consider quite significant reductions.
Sustainability has not been adequately covered. In summary, option4
are clear; before any changes to regulations are considered the
public must have their rights to fish for food more clearly defined,
especially as they pertain to a priority right ahead of the export
driven fishing industry.
Marine Reserve Act review.
is now before Select Committee with submissions closing on 31/1/03
. There are some very good submissions in
place from NZRFC, NZBGFC and MTA. They are well worth reading and
may be found on site under the heading “Marine Reserves”.
Matangi Marine Reserve Proposal from New
Zealand Underwater.
the time you read this the deadline for submissions will be upon
us ( 28/2/03 ). Again
we see a proposal that fails to acknowledge the role of the groups
in place to advocate public fishers interests and rights. New Zealand
Underwater have not consulted with NZRFC, NZBGFC or option4. They
have invested heavily in promoting a range of complete no take options
for Tiri and Whangaparoa. Please go online and have your say under
“Alert # 3 - Tiritiri Marine Reserve” – at the top of the “What's
New” column
to the online option4 Updates.
very pleasing aspect of all the activity lately has been the big
surge in subscription and support for the option4 online network.
Ass seen with both Volkner and the Guardians of Fiordland proposals,
there are many people who are willing to stand and be heard and
counted. This network is starting to work. Well done. Remember,
one of the most tangible and constructive actions you can take is
to introduce friends and family who you know want to contribute
before it is too late.
to those who have posted (c/o Fishing News) your generous contributions
and letters of encouragement.