Report on Public Meeting
Tawharanui Marine Reserve Proposal
Venue: Omaha Community Centre, Omaha
Date: Saturday 21st June 2003
Chair: Graham Price, local resident
Duration: 1.5 hours
Attendance: 70 people
Alan Moore, Auckland Regional Council (ARC) Coastal Resource Scientist
produced the discussion document Proposal to change the status of
the Tawharanui marine park to a marine reserve. Released February
2003. Bill Burrill, chairman of ARC parks committee was present
to answer questions from the floor.
Marine Reserve Presentation
Alan stated there was “some evidence that the marine life
is not as good as expected.” Cray and snapper numbers were
up but the red moki were not abundant and they wanted to know why.
“There is confusion over what a marine park is and people
understood marine reserves. There is a lack of compliance and enforcement
The impact of changing the status of the marine park to a marine
reserve will mean “little change to peoples behaviour”
considering the park is a no-take marine park. “There will
be nil change within the marine park area.”
“The boundary (of the park) wriggles in and out and people
inadvertently end up fishing there, people become criminals inadvertently.”
According to the purposes of the Marine Reserves Act Tawharanui
Marine Park meets this criteria. There are five marine protected
areas within the Auckland region. Tawharanui is the third largest
protected area in New Zealand, this makes it special. Tawharanui
Marine Park has the highest level of protection under the Resource
Management Act. The Tawharanui regional park is 588ha and is 90km
north of Auckland.
ARC want to change the boundaries “so people don’t
inadvertently fish within this region.” The only difference
will be there will be no fishing between the new and old boundary.
Alan discussed other suggested changes to the boundary.
Advantages of the change to marine reserve status –
• Change of boundary will mean clearer boundary marked by
• There will be a clearly defined boundary so people don’t
end up fishing inadvertently in the area. It will be clearer for
the public.
• Biodiversity will improve with bigger boundaries
Questions were raised regarding the statements in the discussion
document relating to expected fish stock levels. What were ARC’s
expectations? No clearly defined expectations but they were aware
moki numbers were down.
In 22 years of existence there have been no prosecutions of people
fishing within the park boundary, where is the proof that there
has been illegal fishing activity?
If this marine park was a success what is the point in changing
the status? General feeling is the public don’t trust DoC
to manage the area. Locals are happy with ARC management of the
No clear definition of the difference between a marine park and
a marine reserve in the discussion document. This makes it difficult
to make an informed submission when this is not clarified.
Concern was raised if the park was changed to a marine reserve
that the new Marine Reserves Bill being considered, if passed, would
allow changes to the boundary without full consultation with the
Bill Burrill advised the meeting he knew the area very well. The
existing boundaries were hard to define, particularly in a dinghy.
Those present challenged this; it was pointed out again there had
been no prosecutions of anyone fishing within the park boundary.
“This is not a formal application process before DoC. We
want input from you. There will probably be a modified solution
put forward, if it is put forward at all.”
Out of the audience of 70 people the majority voted in support of
the current marine park. The locals are not interested in DoC taking
over control of this area.
Overall opinion was to leave the boundaries as they are. Leave
the area in its current marine park status. If the park is a success
then there is no need to change it.
The Leigh Fishermen’s Association offered assistance to ARC
to put in buoys along the existing boundary to make it clearer for
Fishing pressure is high in the area and locals don’t want
to lose more fishing grounds.
ARC should have talked to the locals first before making arbitrary
decisions. Decisions to draw boundary lines being made by someone
with no local knowledge. Locals want another public meeting after
ARC have received their submissions, possibly around October, Labour
weekend, when more people are present in the area.
Bill Burrill suggested it be noted on the submission form that
further consultation is required.
Extension to Submission deadline
Submission deadline of 18th July has been extended due to public
interest. Submission deadline is now Friday 22 August 2003