is yet another example of the Govt trying to police problem
and NOT police the cause. If they took a decent look at the
cause they would see the greedy and unscupulous commerical fisherman
and 'poachers' (ie trawlers illegally fishing in NZ waters)
are going to cause far more damage to this valuable pasttime
than any group of recreatiional fishers. 'Pull your head out
of the sand' and attack the CAUSE." ....Gary Whitaker |
have been a recreational fisherman for 60 years and I certainly
want my chidren's children to enjoy the same advantages as I
have had living in this beautiful country, in particular with
regard to the right to fish and gather shellfish in our coastal
waters with the only restriction being as to a limit on the
species taken." ....Fraser Sim |
am deeply disturbed by the proposed action to amend fishing
rights which will disadvantage the recreational fisherperson
within New Zealand. With carefully managed control of commercial
operators the recreational fishers will be able to enjoy their
pursuits and so will their childrens children. If managed fishing
is to include the licensing of individuals, or clubs so that
fishing becomes an "exclusive hobby" that has the potential
of elimating New Zealand citizens from enjoying their rights
without harm to others.......it's time for each individual to
support option4 to maintain the quality of life of our future
generations. Come on New Zealanders, wake up." ...Jack
Jansen |
all have a right to free recreational use of this magnificant
country. Tell the "top brass" to take up fishing, they might
find that they enjoy themselves and can understand why other
nz's enjoy it!"
...Ronald Wood |
Good to see somebody is looking after the average Joe Bloges
and standing against what could be another speed camera. option4 has my full support. Well done!" ...Russell Thomas |
1-3 are like putting the lunatics in charge of the asylum. Here
is just one example of countless others. It is fairly common
knowledge that a year or 2 ago a trawler overloaded and broke
it's net in the Hauraki Gulf. The result was 100tonne of dead
Snapper. This was also 2 WEEKS BEFORE SPAWNING!!! With the commercials
employing these management stratagies there will be no fish
left to divide between parties. In one act the skipper has wiped
out countless future breeding stocks. Also needed to be looked
at is the devastation that current practices inflict on the
entire food chain. I believe that inside the EEZ 200km limit
of NZ, have longline harvesting using hooks designed to reduce
both undersize and gut captures, NO NETS AT ALL INSIDE 200km.
Pirate boats of any nationality to be sunk after ignoring calls
to cease theft of OUR resource. No commercial harvest of fin
fish within 5km of any shoreline(not including licensed charter
operations). I am not trying in way to gloss over the despicable
acts of so called fishers who deliberately take or sell fish
with no regard for the rules, with the current penalties and
level of enforcement it is no wonder that they do it. It is
though that the sheer size of commercial operations decimate
the stocks and those that depend on them for both food and to
regulate their own population size. The prime example of the
tactics used both on and off the water by large commercial interests
is the Giant Bluefin Tuna, where in the Northern Hemisphere
most fish are caught and sold before they are old enough to
reproduce. This hardly sounds sustainable. However, a scientist
in Japan has sucessfully bred them in captivity for later release
to the open ocean. This, people is the answer, if the commercial
fishers want to harvest as many as possible, make them develop
farming techniques. Must be cheaper than all those big boats.
Maybe then, we can all 'take a kid fishing.'" ...Blair
Iorns |
want to be able to catch lots of fish when I'm older even if
I don't want to eat them You can't fish for sport or fun when
there are hardly any left to catch. I think Option4 is the best
idea to make sure this happens." ...Skye Ross |
proposal to pay for recreational fishing licences is disgraceful.
If money is required to manage recreational fishing well we
already have vast amounts of tax sucked out of our pockets by
GST on fishing tackle, bait, boats, engines and accesories.
But thats not the worst of it most boaties fish and most boats
are powered by petrol engines and the tax on this petrol that
is taken to pay for roads and the consolidated fund is enormous.
The boat owner gets nothing for this tax. Most of the launching
ramps and carparks are substandard and we have a coastguard
that has to run on chook raffles. Here in NZ we have the highest
boat ownership per capita in the world that means that rec fishers
and boat owners need to be listened to by govt." ....Lyall
Cowin |
cannot believe that successive governments are acting in this
manner. Can they not see what is happening. A couple of years
ago when the regional proposals were called for regarding the
Hauraki Gulf I was told that I was A conservationist & to go
away. Now we must fight these MONGRELS & not let them steal
our kids future." ...Warren Davis Stanley |
a fifth generation white New Zealander, and keen New Zealander
I do and will continue to oppose any attempt to take away my
traditional right to fish. The investment in recreational fishing
is already under threat through low allowable catches."
...Shane Kelly |
believe that as a New Zealander, it is my birthright to be able
to fish for a meal for my family. I was brought up to conserve
the fishery and only to take mature fish and only enough for
our immediate requirements. Commercial greed is what destroys
a fishery. " ...Dudley Greenaway |
need to stand up and be counted NOW if we want our rights to
fish to survive."
...Kelvin Maine |
support the option4 ideology that the fishery belongs firstly
and foremost to the fisherpeople of NZ. The govt. does not have
the right to allocate the fishery the way it has been without
consulting us the major stake holders.The commercial fishers'
allocation needs to be based on realistic sustainable levels.
If the fishery becomes endangered in any area there must be
restrictions to protect/preserve it and must be mandatory and
applied to all equally. The protection/recovery of the fishery
is of prime importance. All offenders must face equal justice.
" ...Dale James Rawcliffe |
am a eighth generation NZlander and firmly believe we as nationals
have the rights to fish for food and pleasure as our fore-fathers
have done so since time itself began.We should not be dictated
to by any higher authority to deprive us of our God given right.On
the current system of a daily bag limit,I think it is fair to
say that only a small proportion of recreational fisherman would
actually take their limit on any given day. And the concern
should be more looked upon in the commercial sector as they
are the ones that come in close at night to our shores and create
turmoil as they strip us of our marine life. Look at the incident
when whole snapper were washed up on our east coast beaches
dumped by commercial fisherman due to a matter of size and looking
at the profit margins they would make on a certain size of fish,
NOW ASK yourself WHO is the real threat to OUR marine life and
there numbers." ...Paul Morris |
have been fishing so many times I can not let go of the rod.
It is my life. To say that I have to have a permit would kill
me. I have just spent thousands of dollars on a new boat. I
don't want to pay more money to buy the permit!!!!!! Please
do ever thing in your power to stop this. Iam going to go fishing
now so see ya" ...Sandra Worsley |
few years ago I researched the NZ commercial fishing industry
noting the total harvest of all fish spiecies. It was stagering
to say the least. The major export market for schnapper/snapper
was Japan taking 3000 tons per year. Japan consumes 50,000+
tons per year,10,000 tons comes from offshore the rest they
farm themselves.I find it ridiculous the government would risk
such a precious resource for so little gain. The collective
revenue from recreational fishers is enormous. If more is required
FARM IT. The people of NZ own this resource, period." ...Jim
Crawford |
the public of NZ are slowly losing our traditional rights such
as access, minerals such as Gold, right to take greenstone,
the "queens chain", selling of public assets for politicians
purses, loss of being able to remove native timber from ones
own land, the inability to stop the 1080 poisoning of our lands
with a recent submission being 95% against but Sandra Lee arrogantly
telling the NZ public to basicly "get stuffed, we are going
to drop 1080 on your land for the next 10 years", with at least
a milion fisherman and women out there I'm sure even our politicians
are not bloody that thick to take no notice of option4 (OR ARE
THEY?)" ...Lloyd Hanson |
am Maori who has the same rights as any other Kiwi, no more
no less so stop looking for excuses. Blame this Government not
the people." ...Wana Walker |
to see someone standing up to the crazy politicians and their
desk-bound lackys. I have recorded my catches in the Marlborough
Sounds Since around 1976. In that time met fisheries authorities
only twice. This gives the impression that it is entirely up
to the amateur fisherman to farm the fish stocks for the future
by only taking enough fish for that days tea or dinner etc.
Want more, go out another day." ...Kevin Andrews |
am only a kid but I want my kids to have the same rights as
me and my brother and dad." ...Craig Thomas Garthwaite
have seen some good fisheries go down to Government and commercial
interference.eg the North sea, Irish sea. The fighting to and
fro cannot be allowed here. New Zealand waters for all New zealanders
NOW and IN THE FUTURE." ...Richard Garthwaite |
am a recreational surfcaster and boat fisherwoman and only take
enough out of the sea to feed myself and my family. It is my
given right as a born and bred New Zealander to use the natural
resources of the land I live in within reason." ...Louise
Ewans |
positive has to be done to protect the rights of ALL NZ'rs not
just Maoris when it comes to gathering seafood and at the moment
it seems the stocks of readily catchable fish are being raped
by commercial operations that have no concern for the inshore
reserves. I believe option4 is a good option to start protecting
our reserves and our rights. " ...Geoff Wilson |
right of the public to go out and catch enough fish to feed
thier family is absolutely paramount. No commercial interest
should be allowed control of New Zealands fisheries. This includes
the Maori claims to the fishery as then all the New Zealanders
that don't have the acceptable percentage of Maori ancestry
will also be seriously disadvantaged. My message to the powers
that be is that if they want to try and stop me picking up my
rod and casting a line into the sea then they will have one
hell of a fight on thier hands. Licensing is NOT the answer.
" ...Peter Brown |
- The
right to harvest must be linked to the responsiblity to
- The
funding issue cannnot be avoided .
- Long
term effective management requires financial autonomy. Governments
- An
obsession with avoiding integration withing the quota management
system maybe short-sighted. It is not by accident that this
system is the envy of much of the rest of the world.
- Furthermore,
the principal of user pays is quite deeply entrenched in
new right thinking which currently dominates international
speculation on economic matters. ...Steven Radich
demand the right to go fishing without constraints or demands
made of me or my fishing area. Only option4 will give me this."
...Richard & Isobel Powell |
form of licencing will turn normal law abbidding citizens into
criminals.History has proven that the commercial fishing interests
in the past have contributed to the demise of many of our fish
species ie snapper,kahawai,hapuka,orange roughy.Government agencies
have contributed significantly to this and are not to be trusted.
They have been "bed partners" in this destruction, no doubt
due to the huge amounts of money involved in the national fishery.
The government goes down this path of legislated restriction
of the recreational fisherman at their PERIL!!!! "
...Gavin Findlater. |
am a recreatinal fisherman and I wish to move into the charter
business in the Hauraki Gulf. This is a so called Maritime
Park raided yesterday by longliners/trawlers off Onetangi
Its time
we realised how much money this Gulf and other recreatinal
areas are worth not just in the value of the fish taken but
in 1. Enjoyment to all New Zealanders 2. accessabilty for
everyone 3. Tourism which is going to be a lot biggger income
earner than commercial fisheries 4, Job creation
I am not
saying that Commercial fishing does not have its place, it
does but limiting or lowering the recreational catch will
have a adverse affect down the chain. I would be interested
to know if the MOF have done a economic impact study on the
recreational boating and tourism industry should they decide
to lower the recreational catch or charge fees.The othe issue
is if they continue to allow quota and by catch fishing which
is maiming our stocks.Rereational fishing may just get too
hard as evidenced yesterday. A 10-15% reduction in boat ownership
would be disasterous for the industry and related businesses."
...Grant Dickson
- a single voice that echos the wants of many now and in the
Seek greater enforcement! Both resources and funding. option4 policies, or quota, will only succeed if enforced by all,
for all, including commercial and customary fisher folk. Gov
funding from our "road tax" and GST from associated fishing
revenue. If "Arts" can get a gov grant then a greater body of
NZ's who fish should be entitled to a share of the Gov support.
Loby a politician who fishes, at least one of them must be "normal"
like the rest of us and care for our kids future character buiding
piscatorial pursuits! " ....Tom Abbott |
Maori claim rights to fishing, saying that it is part of their
heritage.... and they were granted fishing rights.......well
I am not Maori, but fishing is sure as hell part of my heritage
too!!!!!!!!! and I demand as much rights as they do. If the
government is that worried about the amount of fish caught why
don't they take a look at the Japanese and othger countries
who troll our water till they are bare." ....Cerys Lang |
Tasman Bay/Golden bay fisheries have been destroyed by commercial
interest.There is only a fraction of the fish stocks left after
30 years of commercial exploitation.A total ban on all commercial
fishing between Farewell Spit to D'Urville island and a return
of the fisheries to recreational fishing management is the ONLY
way to restore the fisheries for future generations." ....Edgar
Martin Everton |
am a member of the Manukau Sport Fishing Club and really appreciate
what you are doing for our future!..Please feel free to email
me any information you wish me to pass on to our other members!
" ....Kerren Packer |
am a small boat owner who treasures what I call my back yard
or what is known as the Hauraki Gulf. As a New Zealander born
and bred it is the one place that I feel completely free when
out fishing in my boat doing what I consider my God given
right. I hope in the near future to pass on to my new grandson
the respect and love I have for this wonderful privilage of
being able to go out and catch a reasonable quota of fish
without the threat of commercial interference by politicions
and others who want to regulate our lives by exploiting every
oportunity to make a dollar.
I fully support option4.co.nz and will be signing up all
of my mates at work and in this area who are all freedom loving
fishers.I will be following your progress with interest and
would be happy to assist in any way I can. " ....John
have yet to come across a definition of 'sustainability' in
the Soundings document or at the meetings I have attended. Sustainable
can have differing meanings to people, depending on what side
of the fence they are on. Just think about the differing terms
that can be applied to it. " ....Morris Andrews |
I sit here on the edge of the Firth of Thames, an area with
tremendous recreational fishing interests, I can watch a large
commercial long liner laying lines up and down the Firth. It
has been there over a week, harvesting fish which recreational
fishers could take. The Firth of Thames is an area which should
be reserved for recreational fishing, as commercial vessels
of the size of the one out there now can easily harvest areas
recreational fishers can not readily reach. "
....Robert Tennent |
a kid fishing could be in photos only in the next generation
this is the thin edge of the wedge." ....John Lee |
quota or share of the fish stock is of no use if the area accessable
to recreational fishers ie: inshore areas is fished down to
verylow levels as it is at present. We could have a 20% share
of nothing. " ....Roy Arnold |
worried that if pro-commercial fishing bias is continued in
fisheries decision making, then we will have a an empty sea
as our asset - just like the Grand Banks fishery - and that
was "managed" by so called experts. I do not want licencing
- why should I pay for something that isn't "owned"? What next
- a licence to consume oxygen? " ....Graeme Williams |
recreational fisherman has fundamental rights to the seas around
New Zealand and therefore has a say when avaricious and greedy
commercial operaters seek to ravage the resource for their own
personal gain." ....James Ferrier |
New Zealanders have more right to the fishery than some profit
seeking, greedy commercial operaters(many of whom never set
foot on a boat). The public has a right to this resource and
the "bureaucrats" should acknowledge as a basic principle that
the resource is the "peoples" first. " ....Ann Gainsford |
too long the recreational fisher has put up with a depleted
sea. There is only ONE reason why the sea is depleted. Commercial
fishing. I will support any proposal to curb the greedy efforts
of these wankers." ....Charlie Carr |
to see the recreational fishermen starting to manage the resource.
I am apprehensive about the govt's ability to manage the resource."
....Malcolm Bluck |
must preserve our future rights as recreational fishermen for
the benefit of future generations" ...Rachelle Walker
suport the views of option4. Fishing is a right, bag limits
have already been reduced too much for the benifit of commercial
Derek Ferry |
must remain every individual's right to have free access to
all fishing areas and it must be the Governments responsibility
to ensure commercial access does not plunder the resource."
Max Bakker
must protect our recreational fishing rights We must stock the
inshore raping of the ocean by commerical fishing trawlers.
We have the same rights as Maori Customary Rights" ...Emerson
Weston |
push for a 5-7 mile heritage zone for recreational fishers around
the NZ coastline that excludes all commercial fishing they have
the vessels that can travel further than your average boatie
so let them we need an inshore fishery that is accessiable to
all recreational anglers"
....Colin Drever |
a recreational fisherman and one that has worked on commercial
boats, I support any intiative that looks to redress the balance
of rights and power away from the strictly financial interests
of the commercial sector to the recreational sector. Don't let
the destruction of our fishery (as was the case in many o'seas
examples) continue at the hands of the commercial sector."....Kim
Fry |
agree with your proposal but wonder about the funding aspect.I
think as someone was talking about compensation at the meeting
in Tauranga the other night, maybe instead of a payout the government
should foot the bill for the set up and continued running costs
of such an exercise. My one big concern is that in the future
children will not be able to sit at wharves and in dinghys and
share in the pleasure and relaxation that is fishing".....Darren
Jones |
should be enjoyed freely by recreational fishermen, with no
serious threats by commerical fishing or government schemes"
...Shanon Weston |
am sick of every year having to travel further and further to
catch less and less fish. The commercial sector has already
shown how it manipulates a fishery. Its about time to recognise
the right of every Kiwi, to be able to catch a reasonable amount
of fish for a reasonable effort. "
....Ralph Walton |
think the government is crazy to bring in these changes and
they will ruin it for all the recreational fishermen like me
out there."
....Simon Borich |
will never buy a fishing licence. " ... Stefan Weston
has shown very clearly in NZ that where commercial interests
have been given access and control over a marine resource, depletion
is the usual result.
should not underestimate the interest and commitment of the
powerful recreational fishing population to maintain a sustainable
and freely accessible fishery. " ....Philip Hann |
on you ,keep up the fight. I didn't even know this was going
It's the large commercial fisheries,not giving the fish a chance
to reproduce. The fishing magazine's don't help by only publishing
20lb + Fish. They should be giving out water-proof camera's,
so the best breeding stock can be released. " ....Paul
Wilcox |