submission to the IPP
This IPP paper to the Minister provides no credible critique
of the stock assessment model. There is also no mention of
the uncertainty associated with the 1996 recreational survey.
It is the Ministrys job to point out these uncertainties
and the caution needed in the face of these uncertainties.
The Act requires that the Minister take these into account.
It should not be left to the recreational sector (that couldnt
afford to attend meetings in Wellington) or the Minister,
to do the Ministrys job for them.
The quality
of this years IPP papers clearly shows there is a lack
of robust debate on the results and implications of TACC changes
in key shared fisheries such as SNA 2, TAR 1 and PAU 5. This
is a role that option4 has taken up, so that the recreational
right to a quality fishery is not eroded further.
To propose
an increase of 43% in a TACC based on a model which estimates
in its base case that the biomass is 10% below BMSY
is ridiculous. The available data indicates that the fishery
is not yet stable, and that a precautionary approach is needed
in the fishery.
For these
reasons we are opposed to the proposed increase in TACC in
SNA 2 for 2002-2003.
For the full document (10 pages) :
If you
have Microsoft Word www.option4.co.nz/ippdocuments/sna2.doc
Or in
a PDF document www.option4.co.nz/ippdocuments/sna2.pdf
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