Hon Pete Hodgson, Minister of Fisheries
Address to the annual conference of the NZ Recreational Fishing Council
18 July 2003
Thank you for the opportunity to speak today.
This is my third time in front of your conference as Fisheries
Back in July 2000 at this conference I released the Soundings discussion
document on the future management of recreational fishing. Rather
rashly I suggested the government might be ready to take some policy
decisions in about March the following year.
At your July 2001 conference I spoke instead about the lack of
consensus arising from the Soundings process, and about the Ministerial
Consultative Group I had set up to try to find a way forward.
In July 2002 we were in the middle of an election campaign. I got
hijacked by something to do with sweetcorn that might or might not
have been genetically modified, and Harry Duynhoven spoke in my
By then the discussions with the consultative group had made it
clear there would have to be still more water under the bridge before
an option for the future could be identified with confidence and
a clear mandate. We had also worked out that we needed better information
on the recreational fishing catch if we were to make sound decisions.
Throughout this time I have remained committed to finding a way
to better define and protect recreational fishing rights.
Or rather, let me start calling them amateur fishing rights - because
it has often been stressed during the past few years that the recreational
label doesn't sit well with those who fish for sustenance.
I still have the same concern I spelled out in 2000 - that amateur
fishing rights are coming under increasing pressure and cannot any
more be taken for granted. The number of people fishing continues
to grow, while the space for fishing shrinks and environmental pressures
take their toll on fish stocks.
I have never lost sight of, nor let go of the aim of making access
to New Zealand's marine fisheries more secure for amateur fishers
than it is now. I have learned a great deal about the difficulty
of finding a practicable way to do that. And I have learned a lot
about the passion and tenacity with which various advocates cling
to conflicting views.
But I still expect to get there in the end.
We are now quite close to achieving an agreed reform proposal.
I was particularly heartened by the sector's decision to present
a single view on reform issues, as set out in your December joint
letter to me. This has allowed us to focus on the issues rather
than the groups involved in the reform process.
Officials and a group of amateur fishers known as the Reference
Group have meet on seven occasions since I met a delegation of fishers
in December 2002. They will be reporting back to you later in the
Officials report to me that these discussions have been free and
frank and are focusing on three key issues:
- the identification of explicit statutory, criteria, including
the provision of a reasonable daily bag for amateur fishers, to
guide the Minister's allocation decision making under the Fisheries
- the need for new or modified provisions in the Act to address
local depletion issues; and
- the need for improved mechanisms and incentives to better allow
for the management of shared fisheries and an increased role for
amateur fishers in the management process.
As I indicated when I last meet with reference group members I
am particularly supportive of making the process of allocating fishing
rights more transparent.
Allocation criteria in statute that the Minister of Fisheries must
take account of would suit me very well. If implemented these would
remove some of the uncertainty in the current process. They would
also help support and define the current common law access right
enjoyed by amateur fishers.
I am told that consensus within the reference group on a reform
proposal is close and that I can expect to discuss this with the
group shortly.
I have indicated to both officials and the reference group that
I would like this work to be completed in time to enable any supporting
change to legislation to be enacted this parliamentary term. I want
to get on with it.
In any policy development process there are always a few non-negotiable
Critical issues for the Government are the Crown's Treaty obligations
to Maori and the property rights of other fishers under the Quota
Management System.
Equally, we have ruled out licensing for marine fishing.
I am aware that some amateur fishers are ambivalent at best about
the QMS and its benefits for them. I don't share those views.
By comparison with other countries, New Zealand's fisheries are
in much better health with fewer sustainability problems. Most of
this I ascribe to the QMS which is the cornerstone of the Government's
fishery management regime.
A key issue of concern to amateur fishers is the ability to effectively
constrain total catch. This can be achieved better in the QMS than
outside it.
Virtually all the amateur fisheries are shared fisheries. The QMS,
in my view, is the best regime for constraining the total catch
and providing you a reasonable allocation. You have a strong interest
in decisions about the Total Allowable Catch and the recreational
We are moving more species into the QMS and last year I decided
to bring in kingfish from from 1 October this year. I did so because
I believe that many of the issues to do with the sustainability
of this fishery and aspects of the commercial catch are best addressed
that way.
The Ministry has recently released an initial position paper on
the setting of sustainability measures and other management controls
for the 1 October introduction. This has attracted plenty of feedback
from both amateur and commercial fishers, as it should.
While the QMS matures and expands, the Government is also developing
several strategies and frameworks to improve management of the environmental
effects of fishing. I will comment briefly on some of them.
Last year, the Ministry released for consultation the Draft Strategy
for Managing the Environmental Effects of Fishing. This proposes
some significant changes in our approach to managing environmental
effects including:
- improved assessment and reporting on the status of species
and habitats affected by fishing;
- a proactive approach to managing and protecting species and
- a requirement for environmental risk assessments to be undertaken
for fisheries, and
- use of environmental standards to establish the limits within
which fisheries must operate.
The Ministry has started preliminary work on developing environmental
standards and officials will be looking to work with stakeholders
in this process. These standards will take some time to develop
but will give increased certainty for all stakeholders.
The Environmental Strategy will be linked to and supported by a
number of other, more specific, strategies such as the Marine Protected
Area Strategy, the Seamount Strategy, and the National Plan of Action
for Seabirds.
Protection of our marine biodiversity is an important component
of the Biodiversity Strategy, and one that this Government has made
a strong commitment to. As part of that commitment, a Marine Protected
Areas Strategy is being developed. The aim is to create a network
of areas that protect a representative range of marine biodiversity.
The Biodiversity Strategy contains a target of protecting 10 percent
of New Zealand's marine environment by 2010 in this network. This
target is sometimes misquoted. It does not relate solely to marine
reserves. The Marine Protected Areas network will comprise areas
protected by a range of management measures including marine reserves,
fisheries regulations, and areas protected under the Resource Management
Management measures that do not provide complete protection, such
as fisheries method restrictions and mätaitai, will form part
of the network if they provide sufficient protection. Ultimately,
the extent of protection will be determined by considering the level
of coverage necessary to protect a fully representative network
of marine biodiversity.
The draft Marine Protected Areas Strategy will be released for
consultation within the next two or three months. I have no doubt
you will have plenty to say.
Marine reserves will be one element of a marine protected area
As you know Parliament is currently considering a new Marine Reserves
I know the NZRFC has made submissions on that bill and has many
Whatever the outcome of this parliamentary process there will be
a new Marine Reserves Act and there will, over time, be new marine
reserves created as part of a range of measures to protect our biodiversity.
I note that the NZRFC is not opposed to marine reserves in principle
but wants to ensure that the rights of its members to access the
oceans to fish are adequately protected.
I want to ensure this as well - but I also want to make it clear
that there will be occasions, after following due process, where
some areas will be closed either to all fishing methods or to specified
fishing methods for biodiversity protection reasons.
You are also aware of the aquaculture reform process.
The intent is to have legislation passed by the time the moratorium
on new applications for resource consent ends next year.
One of the key components of the reform is to ensure that existing
rights, including those of amateur fishers, are protected.
For amateur fishers the reform will mean greater certainty. Aquaculture
will only be allowed in area that are specifically set aside for
that purpose by regional councils, after a public consultation process
and where it has been determined that there is no undue adverse
effect on recreational fisheries.
The Oceans Policy is about much more than fisheries, but it is
inevitably relevant to amateur fishers.
We are making good progress with Stage 2 of the process. The Oceans
Policy Secretariat is working hard to produce a public discussion
document containing a draft Oceans Policy, to be released for public
consultation by October.
As a sneak preview, the Oceans Policy will set out practical steps
to integrate our oceans management system better. This means putting
in place common objectives and principles to guide all decision
makers, some ideas for improving national direction on environmental
management and dealing with the competing uses and values in the
marine environment, and a work programme to improve the day-to-day
management of all of the activities in our oceans.
I strongly encourage you to stay closely involved in the Oceans
Policy process. Through it you and your sector representatives can
play an important part in shaping the future direction of marine
management in New Zealand.
I mentioned earlier the need we identified for better information
on amateur fishing catch and effort.
Expensive surveys relating to particular fisheries or the country
as a whole are required to produce estimates of the amateur catch.
For many fisheries covered in the national surveys the prediction
power of the survey is too uncertain to provide anything other than
a ballpark estimate.
These uncertainties have been compounded by the knowledge that
both the 1996 and the 2000 national amateur catch surveys contain
methological weaknesses. In one case these seem likely have produced
an underestimate of the amateur fisher participation rate and in
the other case an overestimate. This is likely to have flow-on effects
in the estimation of the catch for both surveys.
Like you I am disappointed that there isn't more certainty about
the catch estimates. Catch details, past and present, are an important
consideration when making allocation decisions.
I doubt that we will ever have catch estimates for the amateur
take that match the information on the commercial catch. However,
the difficulties with the 96 and 2000 surveys are a separate and
resolvable issue. The availability of better information in the
future may mean that decisions on TACs and amateur allowances based
on these surveys need to be revisited.
As we're in Marlborough I want to put a couple of issues of particular
local significance on the table and say that I'm happy to be questioned
about them. One is blue cod. The other is the foreshore and seabed
As a last word let me thank the NZRFC, particularly its executive
and other active members, for its work in preparing submissions,
participating in fishery management processes and putting forward
the views and interests of amateur fishers in many other ways.
The hours you put in are hours cribbed from your businesses and
family life. But it is vital that the voice of amateur fishers is
heard in the debate over the use and protection of our ocean resources.
They need a strong, unified voice. Your efforts are invaluable.
Thank you.