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Minutes of meeting - 14 December, 2000.


Scott Macindoe
Paul Barnes
Peggy Barnes
Bill Cooke
Ray Everson
Kim Walsh

Grant Dixon
Bill Ross
Bob Burstall
Alan Mountain


Diane O'Sullivan
Geoff Green
Keith Ingram



  1. Sumission Delivery
  2. Funding/Finance
  3. Murray Deaker (1ZB radio show)
  4. Constitutional Right
  5. New Products
  6. Christmas Party


Submission Delivery
Wednesday December 20, 2000 is the close off date for all submissions. It was agreed by the option4 group that all submissions will be handed over to the Ministry of Fisheries on this date with a request that we receive them back in for the option4 team to conduct a demographic analysis of the submissions and data entry of e-mail addresses supplies in order to keep option4 supporters informed of the progress and status of their submission to the Rights Working Group.

   The option4 team is to meet at HQ on Beaumont street (opposite W.S. Lauriesıs) on December 20 at 10:00 am for final co-ordination of handing over submissions.

   It was agreed by the group that Paul should be the front person at the handing over of the submissions in order to answer any technical questions should the media be present.


Bumper sticker sales are still going well and donations are continuing to come in, although at a much reduced rate.


   The status for the option4 fund to date stands at:

   Opening Balance:      Residual Snapper Fighting Fund    $473.65

               3 November Balance               $ 6,435.73
               Deposit 22 Nov                         1,464.27
               Deposit 29 Nov                         2,255.00
               Deposit   8 Dec                          3,020.80

               Withdraw 14 Dec - website        1,441.69
               Withdraw              - website        3,369.38
               Withdraw 14 Dec - stickers        4,000.00
               Withdraw              - travel              175.33
               Bank Fee                                           2.50

               Deposit 18 Dec                                              499.30

               Balance as of 18 December                 $4,686.20

Murray Deaker (1ZB radio show)

Paul Barnes will speak with Murray Deaker on radio 1ZB talkback Thursday Dec. 14 for the hour between 7:00 pm and 8:00 pm.  (1080 AM)  Talkback phone 0800-80-10-80.

   Paul will be raising the issues of the publics rights to harvest seafood and raise public awareness of the website and the option4 bumper stickers.

   Scott reported that the previous radio show Paul spoke to brought in 85 on-line submissions.

Constitutional Right

   Concerns were raised regarding the future needs by the option4 group to enlist the aide of a Lawyer specialising in public rights.

   Several members of the option4 team met with a group of concerned businessmen several weeks ago who may be able to assist financially with attaining such a lawyer.

   Bill Cooke will report at the next meeting with the details of the amount of time and estimated costs for the constitutional lawyer.

New Products

As the submission close off date is December 20, it is important for the option4 group to continue to receive donations and funding from the public in order to continue to fulfill its role in drivng for the 4 principles of option4.  The option4 group will need financial support in order to ensure it can travel to Wellington when necessary to address both the Rights Working Group and the Minister of Fisheries and to enliist the aide of a constitutional lawyer.

   It was agreed by the group to come together at the next meeting with well thought out plans for raising public awareness and support.

The next meeting will be held:     January 25, 2001
                   10:00 am - 12:30 pm
                   (New NZ Fishing News premises)
                   Church street