Invitation for Option4 to attend Rotorua RFC meeting
Table draft submission
Format of Dargaville and Stanmore Bay meetings
FAQ "How does Option4 fit in with Maori Cultural Fishing Rights?"
1) Invitation for Option4 to attend
Rotorua RFC meeting
- Need clear objectives
Need to retain individuality of separate groups
Option4 needs to differentiate itself from RFC (we do not have the same
basket of offerings)
Paul Barnes and Kim Walsh to attend meeting
2) Table Draft Submission
Submission to be prepared by Paul Barnes, Kim Walsh, John Holdsworth and
Keith Ingram
Format for submission will be (a) cover letter (b) overview (c) background
(d) one version of submission with the simple "rights based"
submission (e) second and more detailed version will include full
explanations of QMS (Quota Management System), funding etc (f) Appendices
3) Format of Dargaville and Stanmore Bay Meetings
Diane to co-ordinate and find out who will be attending
4) FAQ "How does
Option4 fit in with Maori Cultural Fishing Rights?"
- Option4 supports Maori traditional
fishing rights and seeks support from Maori
for non-Maori Recreational
fishing rights