Meeting Held:
October 27, 2000
10:30 am - 1:00 pm
N.Z. Fishing News
Level 7
45 OšRorke Rd
Scott Macindoe - Chair
Paul Barnes - Project
Peggy Barnes - Secretary
Geoff Green
Ray Everson
Bernie Ward
Bob Burstall
Grant Dixon
Geoff Romerill
Tony Ormon
Keith Ingram
Bill Cooke
Diane OšSullivan
Evan McKay
option4 Funding
Sponsorship Support
General Discussion
A great deal of discussion concerning the position
of the N.Z.
Recreational Fishing Council (NZRFC) was had by the group.
According to Bernie Ward, the public consultation meetings held
to date around the
country have also shown this issue to be of key importance to the
Keith Ingram explained that the position of the
NZRFC and its policy
will be derived from the outcome of the current submissions.
Keith also
advised the option4 group that the principles of option4 are very
to the ŗshopping list˛ of the NZRFC at the outset of the Soundings
but unfortunately had not been included in the Soundings discussion
Sponsorship Support
Geoff Green put a motion to the group for letters
of appreciation to be
sent to major supporters of option4. All agreed - Scott Macindoe
to write the letters.
option4 Funding
Bill Ross discussed the new option4 bumper stickers:
Bill reported selling 4,000 bumper stickers to
date from the initial run
of 50,000.
Paul Barnes reminded the group about Chesters
Plumbing having pledged $3,500 which is due in late February after
their annual fishing contest.
Geoff Green reported that he had been in touch
with Jarvis-Walker who
had offered goods/product rather than funds and that the main concern
sponsors was to only back option4 if it can guarantee to win. Geoff
suggested some sort of handout/business card for option4 was required.
An invoice was submitted by Paul Barnes to cover
diesel costs,
($274.38). It was accepted by the group and paid.
Grant Dixon supplied a bank statement showing
a closing balance of
$5,595.20. This statement however covers a period up to October
2, 2000 and does not show latest accounts paid and two deposits
made since this date. October 13, 2000 a sum of $3,165.25 and October
31, 2000 a sum of $1904.95 was deposited.
option4 web site
Scott Macindoe gave a quick run down of the new
look of the option4 web site which is now much more user friendly
and invites debate, discussion and comments and offers a question
and answers section along with recent published articles, media
statements, meeting minutes etc. Soon to be added will be a list
of more than 50 option4 coordinators and their contact details
supplied by Sandra Goudie.
It was agreed by the group that the option4
web site should encourage
and welcome all other options put forward and to get as much feedback
Soundings Meetings
The following are meetings scheduled for November
to present Soundings and option4 to public forums.
Date/ Location
option4 Representative
November 7 - Blenheim
Paul Barnes
November 8
- Nelson Paul Barnes
November 14 - Stanmore Bay
Paul Barnes/Bill Cooke/Bernie Ward
November 16 - Dargaville
Scott Macindoe/Bill Cooke
The next option4 meeting will be held:
November 10, 2000
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
N.Z. Fishing News
Level 7
45 OšRorke Rd