of meeting - 25 October , 2001.
Scott Macindoe
- Chairman
Paul Barnes - Project Leader
Peggy Barnes - Secretary
Geoff Thomas
Diane O¹Sullivan
Kim Walshe
John Holdsworth
Bernie Ward
Don Glass
Bob Burstall
Bill Cooke
Andy Hellesoe
Trish Rea
- Sporting
Industry Association agreement with Sanford's to sponsor Take
A Kid Fishing
- Issue
is with principle # 9 of Terms of Contract - "Defined
proportional shares for each of the stakeholder user groups
offer the greatest incentives for user groups to co-operate
and work together to achieve the most sustainable and transparent
- Bob
explained the NZRFC can only advise the SIA, SIA executive
make their own decisions. It was discussed at the Executive
meeting of RFC prior to their AGM and prior to signing off.
Clearly, the SIA executive was aware that Proportional Shares
are not part of RFC policy
- Agreed
that meeting with SIA would be pursued with outcome hopefully
being withdrawal of the reference to proportional shares.
- Agreed
that it was unlikely that their member organizations were
aware of the implications of agreeing to such a principle
in the face of such overwhelming opposition from their customers.
- Agreed
there was good opportunity to use the dialogue with SIA to
get closer ties with them and understanding of option4 principles.
- Kaipara
Fishing Plan
- Bill,
Diane and Scott offered observations of Dargaville public
meeting - see Public Meeting Report
- option4
support a separate QMA area for Kaipara
- This
could also put extra pressure on harbour fishery i.e. opposite
effect to what the locals want.
- Option4
will be a strong presence at the Helensville meeting - 1/11/01
- Dianne
& John to formulate a draft submission and a draft one
page option4 fisheries plan policy.
- Fiordland
- Guardians of Fiordland Proposal
- option4
seriously contest proposals indicated to date.
- Commercial
take is 97% of take in Sounds
- Letter
to be written to Minister of Fisheries re this proposal
- Bernie,
Bill & Dave Craze to draft this letter
- Read Direct
fundraising offer
- option4
have been offered a percentage of book sales as a fundraising
opportunity by Read Direct
- Agreed
option4 will offer it to option4 supporters and monitor its
- Explanation
to be given to supporters when offer is made reassuring them
that all supporter details remain strictly confidential to
- Scott
to confirm details with Read Direct
- Fund Raising
- Need
to formulate strategic marketing plan
- Need
to raise funds for legal opinion - need a person to be present
at Management meetings with MoF to secure full background
of all decisions.
- The process
is waiting for us to get our legal opinion. Good time to launch
the barometer/indicator to show funds raised to date and funds
needed to provide said legal opinion. Scott to construct with
- Need
to finalise the establishment of the Trust to manage funds
- Bernie & Scott
- Set
up "Thanks" page on website to acknowledge major
contributors, sponsors and media's etc - Scott
- Need
to draft article/ policy paper based on human rights - Paul
- Acknowledge
the latest newsletter is the opinions of individuals, rather
than the council.
- option4
object to derogatory comments about option4 by these individuals
- Bob asked
to ask NZRFC to elaborate on the 300,000 member claim. NZRFC
to be asked to offer a breakdown.
- Regulations
- Need
credible regulations. All regulations affect someone's rights.
If not in place for sustainability, then why ?
- Obvious
need to review regulations. This has been promised by Ministry
for over two years - no apparent progress by Ministry to date.
An emphasis on the "silly" regulations and silly
interpretations that are a hang over from historical situations.
- Silly
regulations undermine the good regulations.
- Bill,
Dianne & Kim to work on draft paper and letters.
- 50 New
Species in QMS
- option4
believe while our rights are under review there should be
no additions of species to the Quota Management System
- Adequate
provision has to be made for non-commercial interests - we
certainly don't want to see piper mowed down to Bmsy.
- option4
want evidence of research results for each species before
it is added to the QMS
- Felt
that MSY was inappropriate management tool for many inshore
shared fisheries.
- MCG Summary
- Draft
paper read out to group for discussion
- Summary
seriously limited by what the Ministry are suggesting is available
for publication
- Ongoing
discussion happening with Ministry re what can be divulged
from the 3 draft policy papers discussed during MCG round