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Minutes of Meeting - 15 May, 2001 7.00pm


Diane O'Sullivan,
Kim Walsh,
Scott Macindoe,
Paul Barnes,
Peggy Barnes,
Trish Rea,
Ray Everson,
Bernie Ward,
Bill Ross,
Grant Dixon,
Bob Burstall


Geoff Green,
John Holdsworth,


Meeting Agenda

  • Response to Keith Ingram article.
  • Boat Show Message
  • Talk Back campaign message - inform, not inflame
  • Participation in Cooperative Management Forums
  • Fund Raising
  • Media coordination - Strategic Plan
  Response to Keith Ingram Article
Original press release from NZRFC tabled by Bob Burstall. Little editing other than inadvertent editors error of according it to byline of Keith Ingram rather than that of NZRFC. Grant Dixon (Editor of Fishing News) explained the mechanics of the editorial process and subsequent editing.
The option4 team are agreed that the contents of the original press release are clumsy and unfortunate.
However, we are clear that the real task is securing the right. Option4 does not need or want the baggage of an exchange with NZRFC in a public forum.
In many respects this is "straw that breaks camels back" stuff i.e. an accumulation of subtle and not so subtle slights from NZRFC.
Agreed to respond directly to NZRFC. Straighten up the factual aspects of the press release. Fishing News editorial has some responsibility to straighten up the play. The depth of feeling evident at this and last weeks meetings is self evident.

Boat Show Message
We need a clear simple message
Eftpos - in hand
Banner - Paul will organise
Printing - Paul has taken this on.
Donation box - Thankyou Trish and Mark
Schedule of equipment
· Table, carpeted available
· Computer with site preloaded - to be delivered on set up day
· NZBGFC has ordered an identical computer set up

Lucky Dip prizes to be delivered to:-
Paul's Fishing Kites
39a Neilson Street, Onehunga
Most of the wholesalers spoken to to date have been supportive with contributions for prizes.

Talk Back Campaign
Inform, not inflame.
Paul will have list of key points to make by Thursday.

Option4 submission replies from Ministry
Is there a case for us to go to the Ombudsman or the State Services Commissioner or both to bring the issue of determining whether or not the option4 submitters are entitled to a reply from the Ministry of Fisheries as promised in the Soundings document.
Legal advise on this issue is being sought.
Before the RWG Report and Independent Reviewers Analysis are sent however these need to be straightened up.

Participation in Cooperative Management Forums
Fisheries Management Planning Processes appear almost pre-emptive that we have a proportional share as per options 2 and 3. Kim Drummond is keen to talk with us regards the planning process being proposed by Ministry. It would appear that we are to be forced to be cooperative. It is all part of the devolution process. The Ministry wants us to sort it out amongst ourselves i.e. stakeholders. This would depend on some sort of proportional share scenario.

Why raise funds?
They ignore us now. If we stand still they will continue to ignore us. The answer is growth and plenty of it. Steady growth costs money. Short term funding is required to establish long term sustainable funding. The funding we need is to get the right in place which will lead to appropriate funding being put in place.

Next Meeting - This Friday 18/5/01 - 7.00 pm - Scott's place.

Meeting closed - 9.45