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Minutes of Meeting - 30 March , 2001.
  10:00 am - 12:30 pm
N.Z. Fishing News
274 Church Street


Scott Macindoe - Chairman
Paul Barnes - Project Leader
Peggy Barnes - Secretary
Diane O¹Sullivan
Kim Walshe
Bob Burstall
Alan Mountain
Geoff Romerill


Bill Ross
Grant Dixon
Bernie Ward
John Holdsworth



  1. Core Groups
  2. Ministerial Advisory Group
  3. Working/ Focus Group - sub committees
  4. option4 Fun Day


Core Groups
There was some discussion amongst the group as to whether or not there was a need for a core or inner group. Paul Barnes explained that the main objective of a smaller group was originally to prevent any further lapses where option4 discussions on topics were leaking to the public and other organisations prior to becoming option4 policy. Core groups have also proved useful where urgent decisions need to be made on confidential information, the discussions on the last meeting with the Minister while the minutes were in draft form is an example of this

It was decided by the group that there are occassions when a small group is required but should be an exception rather than the rule. The key focus of option4 has been, and continues to be, open and transparent communication with the public.
Bill Ross tabled comments to the meeting via email regarding his belief that there was a need for more frequent option4 meetings and less emails. It was decided and agreed upon by the group that option4 will meet on the regular basis of the first and third Friday of each month.

After a brief discussion there was full agreement on the importance of keeping all option4 members and supporters informed by way of email so that, although meetings are held in Auckland, all members have the opportunity to address issues (by proxy) at the meetings by way of email or fax.

To this end it was agreed that all option4 members should ensure they each have the same full and complete list of all members¹ email addresses to enable everyone to receive the same information.


The following is Pauls list

Paul and Peggy Barnes kites@ihug.co.nz
Kim Walshe kwalshe@attglobal.net
Scott Macindoe scott@wilmac.co.nz
Geoff Green ggreen@tradermags.co.nz
Bill Ross bookstimesthree@xtra.co.nz
Ray Everson kelston@pitstop.co.nz
Bill Cooke and Dianne Osullivan ppv@xtra.co.nz
John Holdsworth johnno@igrin.co.nz
Tony Orman orman.riversedge@xtra.co.nz
Allan Mountain <datavoice@clear.net.nz>
Keith Ingram keith@skipper.co.nz
Bob Burstall rtb@ihug.co.nz
John E Fishing News <johne@fishnz.co.nz>
Fred Cooke <fredio54@hotmail.com>
Geoff Romeril <Romeril@attglobal.net>
Graham Ellis graham.j.ellis@xtra.co.nz
Grant Dixon grant.dixon@fishnz.co.nz
Lindsay(Web designer) lindsay@axys.co.nz
Roy Arnold roy.diane.arnold@xtra.co.nz
John Chibnall jchib@xtra.co.nz
Bill Kirk <willekirk@netscapeonline.co.uk>
Bob Burstall bob@tesa.co.nz
Trish Rea trea@xtra.co.nz

If your email address appears above and does not have a name to the left of it, could you please forward details so we all know who we are talking to.

Have you any other names or organizations you feel should be put onto the option4 list? Are any redundant?

Ministerial Advisory Group

There was a great deal of discussion surrounding the proposal by the Minister for option4 to become involved in a Ministerial Advisory Group. Points of clarification regarding this Advisory Group as already flagged by the Minister at our last meeting were:
1. Approximately 3 or 4 option4 members would be required on this Advisory Group.
2. The Advisory Group would report directly to the Minister of Fisheries.
3. The Advisory Group would only consist of recreational representatives.
4. The Minister of Fisheries would be responsible for consulting with Commercial and Maori.

emails on the topic were read.

From Bill Kirk
Hi Paul and Peggy,

As I see it, admittedly from a long way away, option4 has two great strengths. First, it has uncluttered aims. Secondly, it has a great deal of public support.
The dangers in becoming involved in committees and working groups are also twofold:
there is the prospect that options4's four points of principle might become compromised or diluted, and there is a very real threat of going native.
By that, I mean unwittingly falling under the spell of officials and others whose motives are not ours. One of the oldest tricks in the repertoire is to absorb individuals or groups who are dangerous and make them part of an amorphous body which, over time, is shuffled in the right direction - MoF's.
It is clear that that is what happened with the RFC, though it has to be said that some members of the Council were all ready inclined that way, having sniffed the possibility of money and increased status. Not that they were ever going to get them.
The other factor in what we might call the downfall of the RFC was defeatism. There were siren voices, almost from Day One, saying that the Council was too small, underfunded and undermanned to stand up to the Industry, particularly when it (the Industry) had the backing of MoF.
With the strength of individuals like yourselves, Kim and Bill Cooke, and the wholehearted support and skills of Grant, Geoff and John in the media, there is little danger of option4 going native. And I am sure the message will not become diluted, particularly if you resist pressure to expand and/or make the organisation more complicated.
My messaage is rather like Tony Orman's: keep it simple, keep it strong and do all you can to rally support. Join the Ministers's advisory group by all means, but KISSand beware the Stockholm Syndrome.

Yours ever

PS Wish there was more I could do.

From Tony Orman

Hi Paul and Scott, Just back after a week in Norfolk. Skim reading 70
messages on e mail (!!!) and re advisory group, a few points:-

  • Advisory groups are toothless tigers altho if the Minister doesn't
    listen, he's in for a public roasting
  • I would be reluctant to see Option4 represented directly as it
    compromises Option4, just as Rec FC was, but we could nominate two or three
    stressing they are there as individuials and not representing Option4
  • Agree with Grant's comment too.
  • Surely its not too hard for govt to define public's right in law? That's
    our one and only goal at moment.
  • Is an adviosory group stalling for time and procrastination by MoF

Will get back up to speed cheers Tony

Scott Macindoe stressed the point that the purpose of option4 is to enshrine the 4 principles and to define the rights of the public to harvest seafood. option4 does not have a mandate to become involved in the management issues by way of regional or national structures without the right being defined first.

Kim Walshe suggested that a decision should not be made without Terms of Reference. Kim stated that it is imperative to ensure that we play on a level playing field and if the Ministerial Advisory Group is not run to our satisfaction we could opt out of it.

Diane O¹Sullivan stated that the Advisory Group was good chance to establish a relationship with the Minister and to make changes from the inside.

It was agreed by the group that a letter will be drafted to the Minister by Paul Barnes and Kim Walshe setting out the Terms of Reference. This letter will be sent to all option4 members with an urgent response request as to:

1. Should option4 be involved in the Ministerial Advisory Group
2. Should the letter be sent to the Minister

Working / Focus Groups

Diane O¹Sullivan suggested the need for focused working groups within option4 with set tasks. For example: Media, Money, Membership, Maori, Minister, M.P¹s and Ministry. (Option4 has more mmmmmm?)

Everyone agreed that there was a real need for option4 members to become more involved in the above issues and sub committees could work independently on these issues and then report back on their progress to the group at the meetings.

Within the group of members attending the meeting the following have volunteered for sub committees:

Media - Geoff Romerall
(option4 Updates, Press Releases, Radio)

M.P¹s - Diane O¹Sullivan, Bill Cooke, Kim Walshe
(Polling M.P.¹s for support of option4)

Money - Scott Macindoe
(Raising funds for option4)

Maori - Paul Barnes, Scott Macindoe
(Raising support and awareness through Maori M.P¹s and Urban Maori)

Membership - It was determined that this particular issue involved a great deal of time and database management experience. There was a lot of discussion regarding membership and the possible need for funding of someone to take on this role.

It was decided by the group to consult with option4 via email and request help with this matter. Can anyone who was not at the meeting assist on any of these subcomittees, those with exrerience with politicians and media please stick you hands up.

The above focus groups will be required to work within time lines and deadlines and report back to the option4 group meetings. Anyone wishing to assist on any of the above can contact Scott Macindoe.

Fun Day

Bill Ross has suggested an option4 fun day for us all to get together for some time out.All in favour say AYE, Unaimous AYE! In order to select a time most agreeable to all it was suggested that a list of available dates over the next 6 weeks be supplied to Peggy Barnes.

The next option4 meeting will be held:

Friday April 6, 2001
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
N.Z. Fishing News
274 Church Street