This letter
contains my preliminary views on the sustainability measure
and management control proposals that will be subject to consultation
between MFish and myself and interested stakeholders. I request
that stakeholders forward their submissions on these proposals
to my office by Friday 26 July 2002. The date for receipt
of submissions has changed from that stated initially by MFish.
1 (TAR 1)
I note the support of the Fishery Assessment Plenary for the
inclusion of this proposal in the AMP. The plenary considered
that there is a reasonable probability that the current stock
biomass is greater than the size that will support the MSY.
My initial
view is to accept the TAR 1 TAC and level of allowances proposed
in the IPP. However, I note that there is, as yet, no detail
to support the proponents stated intention to implement
catch-spreading arrangements to avoid localised depletion.
Such arrangements are likely to be of high interest to the
recreational and customary sectors, who have yet to provide
comment on this proposal.
that the tarakihi fishery in the Bay of Plenty area in particular
is a multi-sector fishery, I would expect to receive informative
submissions covering the customary and recreational perspectives.
I would also encourage the respective sectors to discuss elements
of this proposal with each other so that, if possible, issues
can be resolved directly. I note that MFish will be able to
assist this process by facilitating such interactions during
the consultative phase.