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Letter from the Minister - dated 9/7/02

This letter contains my preliminary views on the sustainability measure and management control proposals that will be subject to consultation between MFish and myself and interested stakeholders. I request that stakeholders forward their submissions on these proposals to my office by Friday 26 July 2002. The date for receipt of submissions has changed from that stated initially by MFish.

Snapper (SNA 2)
The TACC in this fishery has been over caught in every year since the introduction of the fishery into the Quota Management System. The overcatch has occurred despite various attempts of the fishers involved to remain within the constraints of the TACC. These fishers are of the view that the overcatch has been unavoidable and reflects increased abundance of snapper.

The fishery assessment for SNA 2 has been updated and indicates that the stock has rebuilt to a point where the stock size is close to the level that would produce the maximum sustainable yield (MSY). However, as there are no indices of biomass available the model estimates must be treated with caution. Nonetheless, I am satisfied that there is a legitimate case to consider setting a TAC in this fishery and increasing the TACC.

My initial view is to support a TAC being set at 460 tonnes. The IPP proposes a recreational allowance of 40 tonnes within the TAC. My initial view is to provide a higher recreational allowance, in the order of 80-100 tonnes. I wish to signal to stakeholders at this time that I propose to consider a number of options for giving effect to this outcome, including if necessary some adjustment of the TACC recommended in the IPP. I have requested MFish to investigate the potential to re-run the stock assessment model with a higher recreational allowance. In addition I note that the results of the 2000 recreational survey have not been confirmed as yet. I propose to take into account the results of that survey if the information is confirmed prior to the time of my final decision. I request stakeholders to provide specific comment on the issue of the recreational allowance for SNA 2.