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Mangonui 28th August 2000
Soundings Public Meeting Number 1


  • 68 people attended
  • Public concern about their right to fish was high
  • The fisheries resource is a public asset
  • They wanted good representation
  • They wanted a right that could not be sold on
  • They were prepared to look at funding options that didn’t include licensing
  • They were prepared to give the Recreational Fishing Council a mandate
  • They were concerned that this was the 1st and last meeting. Who do they have to help develop their ideas and submissions
  It was great to be met at the door with a photocopy handout and a smiling face asking if I had heard of Option4, here was some information. Thanks to Brian and Anne Candy of Whangaroa, (025 714 588)

It was a good turnout. The Mangonui Cruising Clubrooms were bursting at the seems. Meeting Chaired by Steve Penn, Presentation by Keith Ingram. Todd Sylvester and Bob Drey from MFish attended and answered some questions.

Presentation including video lasted 45 minutes. Even for someone that is familiar with the options there were a lot of words and ideas stacked up. More Graphics/diagrams to explain concepts would help keep peoples attention.
(On the Video current recreational rights were represented by two limb squid in a bucket – commercial by nice fish in a toy boat – customary with a kite of shellfish)

Overheads and presentation from the front did include an Option4 that had been put together by these “responsible, radical, salt of the earth type people”
It came across more as 1 of 4 rather than Option4 against the rest.

There was discussion about rights which ranged through “we are all customary fishers” “God given right” “public resource”, all of which point toward a priority right.

There was agreement that we were talking about a Public Right to fish not just those people that fish for recreation.

RFC asked for two things – membership from individual or clubs or if you didn’t have the membership fee give them the mandate by writing with your support.

There was an opinion that it was the governments duty, as our elected representatives, to provide for our needs and fund the RFC. Steve said that while their may be some start up funding there would eventually have to be independent funding for the representatives to feel truly independent.
Discussion on funding included ideas like levy on hooks sold, levy on all fishing tackle, petrol road tax, levy on club members, government funding.
A show of hands revealed wide support for a levy on all fishing gear to fund recreational management and representation.

The point was raised that we should not believe that our recreational right is being eroded all the time. Head to head the public right usually wins against the commercial right. At present commercial have a capped catch not the public.

There was concern that there would be no further meetings in the Far North. Some clubs will organise their own. They can write submissions or write in support of the RFC ie: give them the mandate to negotiate. I pointed out the opportunity to put your views forward and see what others were thinking through There was keen interest from those on the net. (This bulletin board needs to be up and running soon).

John Holdsworth