P O BOX 26 064
25th April 2003
John Acland
Land Access Reference Group
C/- Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
PO Box 2526
E-Mail C/o Mark Neeson or Grant King of MAF (mark.neeson@maf.govt.nz)
Dear Sir
This submission has been compiled under the authority of
the Wellington Recreational Marine Fishers Association )WRMFA)
and with the support of the New Zealand Angling and Casting
Association (NZACA), a national body that represents the surfcasting
and angling clubs of New Zealand.
Over the last eighteen years I have raised access concerns
on behalf of the Wellington Surfcasting and Angling Club (WSAC)
and the WRMFA as we are fast losing access to our region’s
coastline. This is now being compounded with restricted access
to the wider ocean with proposed marine reserves and Taiapure.
These concerns we have made known in submissions to the Wellington
City Council Draft Recreational Strategy 1995, Wellington
Regional Council Regional Coastal Plan 1994, Customary Reforms,
Aquaculture Reform 2000, Soundings 2000 and Oceans Policy
In the Wellington Regional Coastal Plan we had asked for
access to be maintained along our coast in order to fish the
many bays along our rugged coastline. We had three variations
to the request and not one was included in the Plan. If Government
had already defined recreational fisher’s rights, then
the regional council would have had to define what is legal
access and make provision for recreational fishers to access
the sea. Now through my involvement on the stage two Oceans
Policy working group we are again asking that recreational
right of access to the sea be defined.
Our historical access to fish off wharves continues to be
under threat and we had to defend the right of recreational
fishers and the general public to access the Petone Wharf
when a Golf shot commercial enterprise wanted to close off
access. Then in October 2000 we had to make a submission to
the Hutt City Council who were well on course to pull down
the old Point Howard Wharf before public submissions were
closed. So set in their plans were they that they advertised
for submissions on the 10th October with a close off date
of 27th October during which time they had already cut off
some of the piles. The submission we presented was read at
both the Eastbourne Borough Council and the HCC committee
meetings, which resulted in demolition being halted, and now
the wharf has been repaired for all to use.
Access to wharves we described in our submission as
Highly valued for its recreation
There are few wharves that are actually positioned in
an area that has a surrounding habitat that attracts and holds
fish. In Wellington Harbour the Miramar Wharf and the Point
Howard Wharf do support a fish life. The Petone Wharf has
not the habitat it used to have, as the artesian water is
not rising there as it did before the early 1970s. The reason
that the Point Howard Wharf has a quality fish life is because
not only is it down current from the Hutt River but also just
off both ends are two very big fresh water springs.
The Point Howard Wharf has fishers on it all day and
night so as a recreational asset to the community of the region
it has immense value not only as a fishing platform but also
as place where people of all races can mix together. It is
very important in a society of mixed races that such places
are retained as few other places exist where there can be
a social interaction between the different races of the region.
There would also be few other activities where young and old
are equal and can help each other while they are enjoying
their recreational pursuit. Fishing off a wharf requires a
level of cooperation and respect for others’ rights
that could never be found in other activities. For example
when a fish like a Kahawai is hooked on light line it will
normally pick up all the other lines and a great deal of cooperation
is required for an angler to land such fish. Many also catch
their first fish off a wharf and can remember the occasion
for the rest of their lives.
Early morning and late in the evening the wharf will
have many Islanders and Maori fishing, usually catching Kahawai
in the morning and Mackerel at night. Normally they catch
enough to feed the family and then go home. Other more serious
fishers will target fish for a particular specie and depending
on the day they could expect to catch Kahawai, Red Cod, Red
Gurnard, Snapper, Horse Mackerel, Kingfish, Tarakihi, Blue
Cod, Sea Run Brown Trout to name a few. Recreational fishers
are fortunate here as Wellington Harbour has produced over
the years the biggest variety of fish of any harbour in New
Zealand with over 56 specie over 500 grams being recorded
by local fishing clubs.
The major fishing clubs of the area namely the Wellington
Surfcasting and Angling Club, which is over forty five years
old, and the Port Nicholson Sport Fishing Club have held fishing
competitions on the wharf attracting many hundred of children
of the region. Both clubs consider the wharf has immense historical
value for the region’s fishers. Through the summer months
many families can be seen enjoying the day with their children
as few other wharves in Wellington Harbour have such easy
It should also be of interest that in a recent research
document for the Ministry of Fisheries (Project REC9802) entitled
“Motivations and Perceptions of Seawater Recreational
Fishers in New Zealand” by Akroyd Walshe Ltd (March
2000) it was discovered that fishing was high on the recreation
list with 46% saying their motivation was enjoyment/pleasure/fun,
32% relaxation/leisure, 22 % recreation/recreation activity
and 18% food supply/fish to eat. That demonstrates why, on
those nice hot days, you will find people relaxing with a
line in the water not caring if they catch a fish or not.
As most fish are caught in Wellington at night the passive
fisher should not be deprived of an amenity they value so
highly for their leisure, and any reduction in the wharf size
will ultimately cause unnecessary cramping of their activity.
It should also be realised that the sea wall at Lowry Bay
will shortly have its access and available fishing space severely
restricted for the region’s recreational fishers. At
the Eastern Bays Little Blue Penguin Foundation Inc, Resource
Consent Application 2 to use the Lowry Bay reclamation the
concern we raised was that the available fishing space would
be reduced to fifty metres with room for only twenty fishers.
But the Commissioners dismissed this concern. They reasoned
that affected fishers could fish off the Point Howard Wharf
as it had ample space, but there will not be if any of the
wharf is reduced. The threat to the wharf was not conveyed
in the Hutt City Council submission, supporting the wild bird
Recreational fishers according to the Wellington Harbour
Master also have no right to fish anywhere in Wellington Harbour.
The Wellington Surfcasting and Angling Club, which I am also
Secretary of, found this out when we ran a major fishing competition
in 1995 in support of Life Flight Trust. Many fished from
boats on the fresh water springs at the Falcon Shoals a shallow
water area off Seatoun, that was until the old model fast
ferry Lynx went through the recreational fishers at full speed
producing a breaking wake of two metres that almost threw
children and their parents from their boats. Once again the
WRC could have prevented that, but they advised those who
complained that recreational fishers have no right to be even
on the water inside the harbour. Subsequently few boats competed
the next year and this competition was the last to be run.
We have no right to be even on the water as the Harbour Master
of Greater Wellington deems all water in Wellington Harbour
to be commercial boat routes if the need arises. It is now
ironic that after we advised the past Minister of Conservation
of the damage the fast ferry is doing to the marine ecosystem
since October 2001 the fast ferry now travels around the shoals.
Then that was only after we widely reported that the proposed
marine reserve is over the top of a major shipping route,
which is not only contrary to the 1991 Marine Reserve Act,
but it would be a joke to have a fast ferry sucking up the
surface water as they travel through it.
The right to fish the Falcon Shoals is still an issue as
ships of all sizes including Trans Rail ferries and overseas
cruise boats all wander all over the Shoals directed by the
Wellington Harbour Master. While we may have a general right
to access such areas, if a ship of over five hundred tonnes
approaches a smaller boat must move out of the way. To throw
the complicated issue of rights up in the air the Wellington
Port Company have just issued a notice to dredge the “main
shipping channel” giving GPS waypoints. When the Wellington
Harbour “Main Shipping Channel” is defined through
the Courts, recreational fishers should be able to fish the
Falcon Shoals. Some may believe they are entitled to fish
there, with a Court defined shipping channel off to one side.
There is no reasonable access for the public to the whole
of the Wainuiomata Beach. This includes access to Baring Head
to the West and right around into Palliser Bay past Turakirae
Point, as the beach access has been closed by barbed wired.
This loss of access was not caused by recreational users in
the first place as it was a Department of Conservation representative
demanding access over two bridges they believed were public
property to visit the seals which upset the farmer. When access
over the bridges was stopped the situation went right of control.
Now there are only twenty or so cars visiting this coast,
when only two years before there was fifteen hundred. Many
people used to access this coast to take their children to
swim in the Orongorongo River swimming hole, but access to
the car park next to the river has been barbed wired off,
thanks to DOC’s staff actions. The Hutt City Council
constructed a car park two kilometres from the swimming hole
to demonstrate their lack of commitment to the residents of
the region’s access problems.
We made a submission to the Hutt City Council regarding the
building of the Seaview Marina and while the Plan displayed
for public viewing in the Wellington Harbour Board rooms showed
a walkway along the break walls, when the HCC took over the
project from the Wellington Harbour Board they dismissed all
the assurances given to us. The marina was built over a major
shellfish and eel grass habitat, which they destroyed when
they deepened the marina. This type of habitat has been scientifically
proven to be essential for juvenile fish, but the marina was
closed to fishing within three months, even to Maori who still
consider the area to be a historical shellfish gathering area.
I have raised at the Ocean Policy stage two working group
the issue that without a defined access to the sea within
a managed framework, many of the proposed ideas will be unworkable.
A right of access also has a wider meaning as a defined access
to the sea has to be balanced with the probability of catching
a legal fish. I wrote a submission this year to the proposed
changes by Mfish to the Marlborough Sounds blue cod fishery
an extract of it follows-
The pressure the blue cod fishery is receiving from commercial
and recreational fishers and the obvious environmental problems
not seen by Government has allowed us all including Government
to see through a window into the future. Localised pressure
on fish stocks is going to be a wide spread problem of the
future if Government continues to endorse every marine reserves
proposal. If the Department of Conservation continues to disregard
the marine knowledge of recreational fishers and appoints
their own staff as commissioners to decide on the submissions
of marine reserve proposals it will cause massive problems
in the future. Forcing the traditional and legal users of
the fishery into smaller and smaller areas of the remaining
available coastline is asking for trouble. There has been
a number of illogically placed marine reserves by DOC with
ten of the seventeen reserves being already worthless as a
biodiversity study site, as they are smothered in silt, yet
DOC continues to endorse projects that destroy well known
fish spawning areas in New Zealand’s wetlands and inter-tidal
reaches of our rivers.
Whether it is Government policy or the Department of Conservation
with a mandate to encourage their conservation land based
groups to select areas of high recreational use as proposed
marine reserves it will have the same result, there will be
fewer people going fishing. Access to the sea has to be with
prospect of catching a legal fish. The Wellington South Coast
proposed marine reserve has to be the perfect example of where
not to put a marine reserve. Not only will it not offer some
protection to the fifty-six specie of fish that migrate mostly
through the Chaffers Passage into Wellington Harbour but also
it will force displaced recreational fishers into the region’s
fish nursery and spawning grounds of Wellington Harbour.
So while we will have access to the spawning sized fish that
arrive for a couple of weeks a year for the remaining time
we will be continually catching under sized fish. With each
fish returned the odds that it will survive very long has
been established by Mfish research which gives a blue cod
mortality at 28%, we think is a lot higher. There are many
who would like to see the Wellington Harbour become part of
a managed marine park so that set nets and long lines could
be controlled but if this is the only area where recreational
fishers will be allowed to fish, then it too will become dead
just like the Marlborough Sounds.
The Government’s proposed actions to reduce access
to vast areas of the sea, which produce legal fish, will cause
the recreational fishing industry to rapidly decline. This
is a huge industry based around proven research figures that
describe that one in three New Zealanders go fishing. So not
only will we see retailers of fishing products close down
but there is a huge industry of boat builders and charter
boat operators that will be affected.
If marine reserves were not enough of an issue we are now
seeing overseas people buying up coastal properties at an
alarming rate. For example at Castle Point an airfield is
being constructed to take Lear Jets and the motor camp and
motels have already been brought up with long time permanent
caravan residents kicked out. A proposed private village of
chalets has been approved without any public resource consent
hearing. A proposed wharf is due to be built over what local
call major paua beds again without resource consent. All the
motels at Riversdale, a linking community down the coast,
have also been brought up.
While still in the planning stages there are many other types
of access restrictions that few will be aware of.
To enable those, who must ultimately make the decisions that
have commercial and recreational balance, we would like to
take this opportunity to list out the many areas in the Wellington
region where we already have difficulty using or may have
access restrictions to in the future.
1 Land north of Castle Point - in overseas ownership, access
in doubt.
2 Castle Point reef - proposed marine reserve
3 Castle Point south - in overseas ownership, access in doubt.
4 Flat Point to Te Awaiti - access severely restricted by
5 White Rock north - proposed marine reserve
6 White Rock south - land owner access restriction
7 White Rock to Cape Palliser - camping and access restricted
by Maori.
8 Whatarangi - due to become a Taiapure Reserve.
9 Palliser Bay to Orongorongo River - access restricted by
10 Turakirae Head to Orongorongo River - proposed Taiapure
Reserve by Maori – plans already drawn up.
11 Orongorongo River to Baring Head - as previously discussed,
assess is now only through barbed wire.
12 Baring Head – to Pencarrow Head - access restricted
by farmer.
13 Fitzroy Bay to Pencarrow - proposed reserve by Greater
14 Eastbourne to Pencarrow - vehicle and all types of bike
access restricted by Lower Hutt
City Council.
15 Lowry Bay boat ramp – access almost lost to a café/bird
recovery complex. Only saved through a high court action by
local residents. We made a submission asking for access to
the break wall and ramp that was ignored.
16 Point Howard Wharf – long wharf closed old wharf
almost pulled down as already discussed.
17 Seaview Marina - Hutt City Council has imposed an illegal
fishing restriction in defiance of the Esplanade Reserve requirements.
18 Waione Street Bridge - almost closed to fishing by Greater
19 Hutt River mouth - restricted by dredge company complex.
20 Petone Wharf - a company planned to create a golf course
off the wharf and applied
for exclusive rights to the wharf. The site they had requested
would have prevented access to the
small boat ramp used by jet skis.
21 Petone to Picton Ferry terminal - Trans rail for a time
restricted access over train tracks
22 Picton Ferry terminal - car park access due to be changed
because land has changed hands
and expansion is likely.
23 Kaiawharawhara reclamation - all recreation access restricted
by Port Company although few take any notice.
24 Picton Ferry terminal wharves – access now restricted
25 Wellington wharves, from the Picton Ferry Terminal past
jetties built for fishermen into inner city wharves - all
closed by Wellington Port Company.
26 Waterloo Quay wharf – once open now developed for
the fast ferries.
27 Queens Wharf – large hotel planned for this wharf
– access will then be lost
28 Overseas Terminal - fishing banned into Chaffer's Marina
by Lambton Harbour Company.
Fishing for the baitfish Pilchards has been carried out by
commercial and recreational fishers for a very long time in
this area. When a large school of pilchards died they quickly
opened the gates so that recreational fishers could collect
the fish. Access is only when it suits those who open the
29 Frank Kitts Lagoon – Many used to fish in there but
when a jet ski hire venture was allowed to start up without
any consultation with recreational fishers the pilchards were
the first fish specie to disappeared never to return. If recreational
fishers were consulted they would have been able to inform
that in the area many specie of baitfish use the area to spawn.
Another good fishing area lost which highlights that without
the prospect of catching a fish access is worthless.
30 Oriental Bay breakwalls – access to the finished
break walls not known
31 Evans Bay - boat marina wharves closed by Wellington City
32 Miramar Wharf - Port Company have just unlocked the gate
after recreational pressure. The wharf has a management plan
to enable access and is welcomed as an example of what can
be achieved with better dialogue. This wharf was closed to
fishing due to vandalism although no one was caught or prosecuted,
to our knowledge. Why would a recreational fisher let a mooring
rope go?
33 Burnham Wharf - closed by oil company.
34 Shelly Bay wharves - closed by RNZAF who granted access
only to diplomats and now the WCC/ WRC have closed the wharf.
Access under consideration by WRC after our letter requesting
the deck be repaired so that recreational fishers can use
it again
35 Moa Pt – access may only be to polluted shellfish
beds due to sewage out flows by Wellington City Council.
36 Phillips Point to Sinclair Head - proposed marine reserve
by Forest and Bird Society who have publicly
stated they are not interested in recreational or commercial
concerns about safe access to the sea.
37 Owhiro Bay to Sinclair Head and beyond – access restricted
by WCC.
38 Turakirae Point to Makara area- local Maori have applied
for a Taiapure reserve all around the coast
39 Sinclair Head to Karori Rock - access to vehicles under
threat from Wellington City Council who have
formed another committee without allowing recreational fishers
to be represented on their Healing the South. Coast plan.
Another example of the discrimination towards recreational
fishers by the Council.
40 Karori Rock access - restricted by farmers, down stream.
Land ownership changed putting access under more threat.
41 Oteranga Bay - access restricted by Electrocorp.
42 Ohau Pt and Te Ikaamaru - access restricted by Lands and
Survey Department.
43 Quartz Hill - access restricted by Radio New Zealand.
44 Mana Island - proposed Taiapure Reserve off southeastern
area of island by local Iwi.
45 Titahi Bay – The Whitireia Park access is closed
after dark, the only time that area will produce fish. by
Porirua City Council.
46 Titahi Bay - southern access closed at night.
47 Pukerua Bay – Line fishing only reserve. Fully supported
by recreational fishers.
48 Kapiti to Paraparaumu - already a marine reserve with fishing
49 Otaki River mouth - access restricted by Maori.
If these types of closures continue, the basic right of all
New Zealanders to have access to the marine environment will
be a thing of the past. It is very unlikely that any area
given a reserve status will ever be given back to the other
types of recreational user to enjoy again. With Government
willing to have up to ten percent of New Zealand designated
as marine reserves it is imperative that the location of these
reserves have the full support of the recreational users.
We have already had designated four reserves that were installed
in an area other than where recreational fishers declared
the best area for a reserve. One of these resulted in a select
committee looking into changes to the Act so that the surrounding
users will gain some benefit.
Of major concern now to all recreational fishers is the obvious
intention by Government to endorse areas as proposed marine
reserves that are of high recreational activity. We note these
areas have been proposed by land based conservation groups
who continually demonstrate their lack of local marine knowledge
at all levels. The frustration expressed by many recreational
fishers that the wrong areas are being selected as marine
reserves continues to fall on deaf ears.
Access to the remaining coastline is already going to cause
problems as for example in Wellington recreational fishers
will find all fishing in Wellington Harbour. While we accept
that the country is committed to installing marine reserves,
a perfect example of where not to put a marine reserve, is
along the Wellington South Coast miles from the harbour entrance.
Already the harbour is seeing an increase in nets and long
lines so while we will have access to the harbour’s
fish specie the pressure with an increase in all fishing methods
will make access a continual confrontation.
While we may have a limited form of access to many areas
this limited form of access will in time cause many confrontations
which will in time set races against races land owners against
walkers and recreational fishers against conservation groups.
With this Government direction there will be no winners, just
continual confrontations.
Yours sincerely
Jim Mikoz
Secretary Wellington Recreational marine Fishers Association
Secretary Wellington Surfcasting and Angling Club
Honorary Vice President New Zealand Angling and Casting Association