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Letter to the Minister, the Honourable Pete Hodgson - 29/4/01

29 April 2001
Minister of Fisheries
Pete Hodgson
Parliament Building

Dear Minister,

Thank you for your letter dated 12 April 2001.

Your letter states that you are "seeking some honest feedback by knowledgeable individuals about the issues at hand," you have also mentioned directly the need to build trust and capacity between us, that is what this letter is all about.

The option4 management team have considered your letter and have serious concerns arising from it. We note that you consider the Rights Working Group have provided a detailed and robust report. It appears from your letter that the Rights Working Group report will form a basis upon which the Ministry of Fisheries policy unit will select a preferred option for reform. Following that, the Ministerial Advisory Group will provide a sounding board for the final policy development phase of the Ministry's chosen option.

Option4 on the other hand considers that the Rights Working Group report is seriously flawed, and unsuitable in its present form, to provide a secure foundation on which to build the future of recreational fishing upon. We feel the report totally misrepresents the outcome of the Soundings public consultation process. We feel it would be a grave error to use the Rights Working Group report as a foundation on which to build any reform, without addressing our concerns. We have mentioned these issues both at our last meeting with you, and in our last letter to you.

Both the government and option4 are keen to move forward on the issue of recreational fishing in New Zealand. For option4 there is a clear differentiation between reforms and "leaving the rights as they are, "as stated in your last letter to us. To us they are separate issues altogether requiring the clearly defined right before the reforms can be debated.

Option4's most urgent concerns are centered on the questionnaire, and the weighting given to it in subsequent analysis in the independent reviewers report. This flawed report also forms the basis of the Rights Working Group report, error built upon error.

The independent reviewers report gives a full statistical analysis of the submissions entered on the prepared questionnaire. However, only 1% of all submissions received were on these forms, unquestionably an insufficient percentage to claim, "a detailed and robust report that provides a great deal of information and background to the public's views on recreational fishing." The option4 submission, representative of over 98% of all submissions, received only minimal analysis by the reviewer.

Both the Rights Working Group and independent reviewers reports only include the four principles of option4 in the analysis section and make only cursory mention that option4 wishes to define the recreational right before dealing with the management and funding issues. All option4 submissions make it explicitly clear, their submission is the same as option4's, this means all option4 submissions must be reflected to express those views in both reports, everywhere and in every instance that the questionnaire asks a question which is covered in the option4 full submission. When this is done it will be seen that the true results from the public consultation are in fact very different than both reports would have you believe.

Minister we must confront the truth if we are to move forward on these important issues. A failure to resolve these fundamental issues will, in our opinion, cause the process to lose all credibility with both option4 and the public at large.

We are also concerned that you consider legal advice should be unnecessary for the Ministerial Advisory Group. Does this mean that defining the right of the public to harvest from the marine environment is off the agenda? Or if debated, will that debate be constrained to following a pre-determined agenda that will not require legal advice?

We draw your attention to High Court Judge Mc Gechan's principles of consultation. We believe there has not been genuine consultation. We believe the Rights Working Group has not listened to, and truly represented the content of all the submissions. Nor has it taken account of them and incorporated them into the report on which the new policy will be based.

We have a more extensive list of lesser concerns regarding the integrity of the consultation process and outcome as reported by both the independent reviewer and Rights Working Group. However the above issues are critical and must be dealt with before the process moves forward.

Can you assure option4 that the proposed Ministerial Advisory Group will address our concerns regarding both the independent review and the Rights Working Group report?

Can you assure option4 that if this raises the need for expert legal advice that this advice will be made directly available to the Ministerial Advisory Group without them having to go through the Ministry?

Can you assure option4 that the "true" outcome of the Soundings consultation process will form the foundation on which the Ministry of Fisheries policy unit will form the draft policy, which the Ministerial Advisory Group will consider?

Can you assure otion4 that it is the Ministries intention to establish a recreational right in law and not to simply cap the recreational take in order to secure the commercial harvest right?

If you cannot give the assurances requested above, then we formally request under the Official Information Act the following information -

  • The terms of reference, or contract deliverables of the independent reviewer.
  • Correspondence between the Ministry and independent reviewer.
  • Correspondence between the Rights Working Group and independent reviewer.
  • Minutes of meetings between the Ministry and independent reviewer.
  • Minutes of meetings of the Rights Working Group concerning the independent review.
  • The draft independent reviewer report.
  • Instructions given by the Rights Working Group to the reviewer concerning the draft report.
  • Minutes of the Rights Working Group concerning the agreed wording of the questionnaire.

We look forward to your response and hopefully, achieving a position where we can all move forward on the real issues together.

Yours truly

Paul Barnes
Project Leader