telling porkies - is it the Recreational Fishing Council or
is it the Ministry of Commercial Fisheries? Well, who really
cares? Currently both are locked in a fight over who included
licensing into the 'Soundings' process and document.
It may
help readers or sideline observers to understand that, right
or wrong, the Recreational Fishing Council can never win this
one. An intelligent organization wouldn't even try, simply
because at any one time at the Joint Working Party meetings,
there were always more ministry staff than Recreational Fishing
Council members present. Naturally the ministry would be able
to close ranks around any decision they saw as necessary or
important to their agenda. However, I know that where there
is smoke there is more often than not fire, and from comments
and remarks I've heard over a period of time, there is no
doubt whatsoever that the Ministry wanted and sought to include
licensing into the document. Is this yet another example of
the words of various ministry staff who have proved beyond
doubt that they cannot be trusted? More importantly, isn't
it once again a case of untruthful advice from them to this
apparently very open, honest and intelligent Minister of Fisheries?
For those
of us close to the action, we've known for a very long time
that certain people inside the NZ Recreational Fishing Council
have been paying lip service to their policy of 'no licensing,
no quota and the Ministry of Fisheries to run the fisheries'.
However, under the surface I believe there has always been
a hidden driving desire to license the NZ fishing public by
key members of the Recreational Fishing Council. Judging by
the comments at meeting after meeting around the 'Soundings'
document, it is obvious that both groups agreed to put licensing
in that document. It is now irrelevant.
has proven it has been about as big a strategic cock-up as
is possible. It was the one uniting factor that has started
the stampede to assist the option4 group, on behalf of the
NZ public, to enshrine in law the public priority right to
'fish free forever'. What is even more environmentally important
is to bring the coastal fish stocks back up from their current
collapsed level - the result of the failed and ineffectual
management of Warwick Tuck's "wonderful, full of integrity
and hardworking" (his words) policy people.
take some more examples of their failed management other than
the well documented orange roughy debacle. Firstly the approximately
140% overcatch of the blue nose fishery by the industry over
the last year, right under their very own bloody noses in
Wellington. Secondly the efforts of MoF's Auckland office-based
Dave Allen, who pushed the Minister's favoured commercial
pilchard take based on an average case catch-history of a
likely safe 813 tonnes per year up to 2000 tonnes in yet another
failed advice paper.
If that
wasn't bad enough, Allen had been repeatedly told by myself,
Dr Roger Grace and others that there had to be included in
that TAC, a mechanism to make sure that those commercial fishers
took the 2000 tonnes catch from different areas up and down
the greater Northland area. This was primarily to avoid the
risk of localised depletion. This was to both my own and others
views, a shoddy and industry patronising advice paper to Pete
Hodgson. Right now I am sitting in Tryphena Harbour at Great
Barrier Island.
Crays Overfished?
At least
two months ago I rang Arthur Hore (Auckland based MFish policy
manager) about the serious over-fishing of crays this season
at Great Barrier Island.
In a whole
lifetime of coming to these shores, I've never seen such concentrated
pressure on the recreational crayfish stock. It has to cease!
While I acknowledge that Arthur Hore never had time to do
much about it before Xmas, the Ministry had better bloody
well do something for next season. The island cannot possibly
absorb this kind of pressure.
If the
fishing public still want a reasonable Great Barrier Island
crayfishery this year, in the end they are going to have to
organise and take the law into their own hands. The public
are going to need to organize and sort it themselves. One
thing that the minister Pete Hodgson could do that would show
good face with the public, is to buy back some of the newly
arrived quota and retire it forever. Thus bringing down the
commercial TACC at the same time, and setting a very low future
allowance within the TACC for Great Barrier Island.
there Pete Hodgson!
had enough of endless lies and broken promises from your ministry
staff. Do something, shipmate! Start the process voluntarily
that sometime in the future will have be done anyway. Start
rectifying the massive blunder Warwick Tuck's predecessors
created in 1986 when they gave our heritage to the fishing
industry in apparent perpetuity.
This could
be the example the MFish CEO Tuck talked about in his bleat
last month when he told us all about how good his staff were.
How many more major performance and protection failures of
our fisheries does the long suffering NZ public have to keep
absorbing from this incompetent ministry?
is even more environmentally important is to bring the coastal
fish stocks back up from their current collapsed level.