Wednesday 10 th December 2003
Good afternoon and thank you for this opportunity to address the Forum.
Last Thursday I was privileged to attend the memorial service for George Mason - a truly great man who served us all throughout his remarkable life. Born on Great Barrier, George was a farmer, a returned serviceman, County Councillor and the first policeman on the Barrier. For many, many years he was the dedicated and totally committed operator of Channel 1, Great Barrier Radio. He will be sorely missed by all of us who he has served so well for so long.
We arrived at the Whangaparapara wharf to a spine tingling and thrilling powhiri delivered by John De Silva's young men from Mangati Bay . Then the long, slow walk to the Lodge, accompanied by the bagpipes, where we came together with the residents of Great Barrier - the Medlands, Blackwell, Sanderson and Mabey families. The family of Ngati Wai ki Aotea. More boats and their crews, all members of the Great Barrier Radio and Hauraki Gulf family.
A beautiful service led by Harry Walker, endless speeches of appreciation and celebration of this wonderful man. He touched many, so meaningfully over decades of selfless service and assistance.
Our return voyage to Auckland came all too soon. Out into the Gulf – the Jet Raider full of old friends, new friends, on flat calm water with dolphins, birds and schooling fish in all directions. So many shared memories – magic.
That experience last week certainly highlights the point we wanted to make today.
When consulting with the public for a marine reserve proposal, we need to know “who and what is local?”
To simply define local as those who happen to be living nearby at a particular moment in time is a nonsense in our opinion. It is an insult and a gross misjudgement to ignore those who obviously have so much history, affiliation and commitment to the Gulf. We live where we must. Old age, ill health, schooling and employment opportunities ultimately determine where we settle at any one time. The crew who made the journey to Barrier last week are living proof that these people are well connected to the Island and even more so with the waters surrounding it.
The Department's inadequate consultation process regarding the marine reserve proposal for the Island , which saw those people ignored, two ‘Drop In' meetings organised on the mainland and the clumsy, slanted and inaccurate document and questionnaire all adds up to inadequacy. DoC have failed at the most fundamental level to adequately consult, as they are duty bound to do when proposing a reserve.
No amount of whitewash regards the “Drop In” meetings and submission analysis will remedy this most fundamental failure on the part of DoC.
The second point we wish to make today is the ongoing piecemeal approach to protecting the marine environment. This must not be allowed to continue. The credibility of those so committed to working through the complex and challenging processes to protect the marine environment is at stake. We must have a comprehensive review of marine protection objectives, the tools available to meet those objectives and the resources needed to give effect to those tools. We believe the holy grail of conservation is shifting and updating people's attitudes, behaviours and expectations – option4 contend that the current craze of marine reserves does nothing to further the achievement of these objectives. The promises and benefits are illusions.
It is not about one government department overriding all other interests. It is about achieving what needs to be achieved by way of cooperation not competition. We believe the Hauraki Gulf Forum has a real contribution to make at this level. We would welcome an opportunity to contribute to a Hauraki Gulf Forum initiative to see the all important process and stakeholder cooperation come together to have our precious Hauraki Gulf protected for future generations to enjoy.
Thank you for your time and attention today.
Trish Rea
option4 spokesperson |