Now and for the Future

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Help needed

Option4 Group has set a target of 250,000 signatures on submission forms from concerned members of the public. A co-ordinated campaign is planned for weekends from October 21st through to mid November with the intent of having a major drive on signed submission forms. Like every undertaking, this will require people on the ground to assist.

All we ask is that you commit a morning, afternoon or a whole day if possible over one of these weekends. We need your assistance at Malls, High Streets, Factories, Offices and Supermarkets to publicise the issue and to get signatures on behalf of the Option4 Group.

We plan on making this a National Event and we need people in all communities regardless of location, to pledge their help. Two co-ordinators have given of their time to make this happen.

If you can give any time to the cause, please contact: kiwiangler@Hotmail.com with your offer of help.

No offer of help will be refused. Helpers will be supplied with submission catalogues and details of what will be required of them. If you have a friend or a group of fishing mates, then try to enlist their help for the day. Let's show Government and Industry that we can mobilise and work as an entity by delivering 250,000 names in support of option4.

We must collectively raise the profile of this debate and show Government, Industry and The Ministry that anglers ARE a force to be reckoned with and are capable of working together for our goals. The silent majority now have to stand up and be counted. With over 1.4million anglers in New Zealand our goals are achievable. Remember, we're all in this for the future generations as well as for today's. A few hours invested in now will deliver untold results and dividends for every Kiwi.

If you can't spare the time, ask for a submissions catalogue which will take 120 signatures. Ask your workmates, friends, family and neighbours if they'll support Option4by signing it and mail it back to us. Remember, no offer of assistance will be refused.