I can't help
thinking that the Recreational Fishing sector would be far better
off if they actually did something more constructive than concentrating
their efforts on their eternal habit of blaming every one else for
their perceived problems. It doesn't surprise me that their years
of finger pointing has not produced any sort of result whatsoever,
in terms of providing any solutions to their grievances. In fact
I think it would be fair to say that ever since they embarked on
the grievance trail they have actually gone backwards. In between
the prolonged periods of levelling blame upon all and sundry some
of their number suggest the sort of solutions that they'd like to
see enacted and therein lies another problem. The solutions that
they suggest are so devoid of practical reality that it's little
wonder that they've not found (ever) any currency in political circles.
To claim that the $1 billion per annum that they spend on their
sport creates the same economic benefit to the country as provided
by the Seafood Industry is as naïve as it gets. Expenditure on rec
fishing is internal spending which consumes a lot of overseas currency
without returning much by way of revenue to Government, whereas
the commercial sector does exactly the opposite.
Treasury could
well argue that the economy would be better off if there were no
recreational fishing at all apart from tourist fishing charters.
The next one is the suggestion that the management of rec fishing
be funded by the road tax on fuel. The likelihood of the Government
(any Govt.) rekindling a rebate system on fuel is Alice in Wonderland
thinking. After all there is widespread opinion that they don't
even spend it on roads anymore. Taking the cake for naive futility
is the suggestion that GST on rec fishing expenditure be paid back
to provide funding. What will the Government tell all of the hundreds
of thousands of other sporting people when they line up for their
GST re-payments? And believe it or not there are even serious suggestions
that Govt should put a levy on the sale of sports fishing gear.
Another lack of understanding is the continuing insistence that
the 1989 ministerial policy on recreational fishing has some legislative
validity in today's word. Political history is strewn with thousands
of grandiose policies that lie dead and permanently buried for the
want of parliamentary consent. The 1998 policy is but one of them.
And of course there is the endless call to, "get rid of all commercial
fishing and everything will be okay." And so the futile suggestions
and proposals go on year after year with no positive outcome whatsoever
apart from illustrating one salient fact. And that is that the majority
of the rec fishermen have very little knowledge or understanding
of politics, fisheries management, the quota management system and
how Governments operate. That knowledge and understanding might
not have been required of them in the past but they are about to
find that it is now a vital necessity. Unfortunately they are not
assisted in learning what is required from the publications that
that purport to support them.
On the eve
of the launch of the first in depth review of recreational fishing
(Soundings) you would expect the recreational fishing media to be
at least a little positive over the fact that some form of action
was being initiated. But not so, and in the typical manner to which
we have become accustomed the editor of NZ Fishing News has produced
another negative editorial. In his August editorial, which was largely
devoted to the recreational fishing rights issue, Editor Grant Dixon
has once again sought to blame the Seafood Industry for the angler's
woes. In that editorial he states his belief that the Recreational
Fishing Council's thinking has "been infiltrated by the enemy- Industry
and Maori." Of course as any of the Council members, and I guess
the Maori representatives also, will tell you that is so far from
the truth that it's laughable. Further on he reinforces his opinion
by stating that the document has been "polluted," with the views
of those two powerful groups. These two falsities were, as usual
interspersed with the " blame everyone else rhetoric." These two
odious accusations are a totally unwarranted slur on the members
of The Recreational Fishing Council who have battled on year after
year with scant resources and minimal backing from the thousands
that they strive to represent. While they battle on, largely funded
out of their own pockets, Rod Dixon and his ilk issue declarations
of war against the very people that they need to negotiate with
i.e. Industry, Maori and Government. Sure the RFC talk to other
user groups; that being a normal and necessary process, and they
would be failing in their duty if they didn't. Besides who else
would Industry, Maori and Government discuss matters with if it
were not for the existence of the NZRFC. There are no "reds" under
the NZRFC's bed, just a lot of honest intent.
fishermen need to wake up to the fact that the world, everybody's
world, has changed, and resource users have to actively participate
in the management of those resources. In terms of the stress on
fisheries resources the recreational sector are playing an ever-increasing
role. As their numbers, mobility and use of technically advanced
gear and equipment increase so do the pressures. In many areas the
recreational sector are the most dominant users by far and that
situation is becoming more so. Many of the problems that they complain
of, such as localised depletion and the like are of their own making.
Ignorance and apathy are poor substitutes for a committed and co-operative
involvement in the complex process of fisheries management.
That is what
the Soundings document is all about. It is a bit of a crock to get
one's head around with its new age jargon, but that is part and
parcel of today's world. It does however represent an honest attempt
to stimulate constructive comment by focusing on the real issues
rather than continuing with the endless and unproductive parody
of finger pointing and grievance. A certain Wellingtonian, notable
for his long-term support of recreational fishing was present at
the Wellington public meeting to discuss the Soundings document.
I'll leave the final words to Mr John Henderson. "This is the most
important debate that the recreational fishing sector will ever
have. The NZ Recreational Fishing Council and the Ministry of Fisheries
should be congratulated for putting it together"