Government must
realise that there are two distinct types of people who fish for
There are anglers
who would in the main represent a minority because they join clubs
and view their recreational pursuit as a sport and not a hobby.
The other group
are the silent majority who perhaps fish many times a year or even
just a couple of times. They do not view their activity as a sport,
they do not fish competitions and they do not need to join a club.
THIS latter
group charges the elected governemnt to protect their rights to
fisheries access. They expect the government and the Ministry to
look after them. They have no idea that any government would condone
a users pay philosophy which would restrict their right to go out
for a fish. I have no doubt that to charge the recreational fisherperson
would be the thin end of a wedge. New Zealanders are already subject
to charges for climbing mountains and for access to certain areas
generally under the control of a minority and seldom Pakeha.
In no way do
I have a problem with the "traditional take" or the rights of Maori
as set in legislation but to ignore the right of non Maori New Zealanders
cannot be seen as anything other than discriminatory and I would
suggest, reverse racism.
The policies
of successive governments have only served to alienate the Pakeha
increasingly from their rights as citizens and tax payers.Any suggestion
that recreational fisherpersons will have to fund or pay for their
right to fish will inevitably result in a massive resistance and
the taking of their case to International Human rights organisations.
Government already
gathers many millions of dollars from the recreational angler with
duties on equipment, taxes on fuel and GST on internal purchases.
The fuel tax is onerous and unfair and would in its own go a long
way to provide the necessary funding which the recreational lobby
needs to stand equally against the forces of industry.
I also believe
that the government is pursuing a racist agenda by disenfranchising
the non Maori population and this could in itself form a challenge
to the discussion document "Soundings".
In conclusion,
there is ample evidence from overseas that to try and alienate the
recreational fishing community from fisheries management has resulted
in significant voter swings. If any government wishes to truly represent
its citizens it should be aware that there are probably a million
voters who fish.
I have no doubt
that there will be a growing disquiet and level of disattisfaction
with the electorate and it will be a simple matter to lobby the
opposition on the matter.
Whilst I support
Option4 I believe that it still fails to address all of the issues
but in the absence of a balanced discussion in Soundings I must
give it my support.
Bill Ross