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Tarakihi Proposals

The Ministry of Fisheries Final Advise paper (FAP) incorporating stakeholders submission

MFish recommends that:

EITHER (MFish preferred option)

  1. decline the application to increase the TACC for TAR 1 to 1997 tonnes as proposed by the Northern Inshore Fisheries Company Limited; and
  2. set the TAC for TAR 1 at 1,773 tonnes; and within that TAC:
    1. set an allowance of 45 tonnes for Maori customary non-commercial catch;
    2. set an allowance of 310 tonnes for recreational catch;
    3. set an allowance of 20 tonnes for all other mortality to the stock caused by fishing; and
    4. retain the TACC at the current level of 1,398 tonnes.


  1. agree to implement the proposal for TAR 1 by the Northern Inshore Fisheries Company Limited under the Adaptive Management Programme, wherein the company assumes responsibility:
    1. for updating standardised CPUE analysis for the TAR 1 fishery; and
    2. implementing catch effort splitting arrangements to avoid localised depletion; and
  2. set the TAC for TAR 1 at 2,372 tonnes and within that TAC:
    1. set an allowance of 45 tonnes for Maori customary non-commercial catch; and
    2. set an allowance of 310 tonnes for recreational catch; and
    3. set an allowance of 20 tonnes for all other mortality to the stock caused by fishing; and
    4. increase the TACC from 1,398 to 1,997 tonnes.

For the full document (21 pages) :

If you have Microsoft Word www.option4.co.nz/ippdocuments/faptar1.doc (92Kb)

Or in a PDF document www.option4.co.nz/ippdocuments/faptar1.pdf (65Kb)

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