option4 Update #84 22 May 2007

Dear [ subscriber ]


Kahawai Legal Challenge

The fishing industry continue their ‘scorched earth' approach in challenging the historic High Court kahawai win [more] https://kahawai.co.nz/documents/KLCAppealrelease10507.pdf


Predictably, it's off to the Appeal Court as industry file notice of appeal. The fishing councils have cross appealed [more] https://kahawai.co.nz/kahupdate24507.htm


It's time to celebrate the High Court win that has upheld all New Zealander's common law right to fish for kahawai and other important species [more] https://kahawai.co.nz/kahanzfw407.htm


Sweet success in High Court's recognition that people's wellbeing is a mandatory consideration when managing fisheries [more] https://kahawai.co.nz/kahupdate230407.htm


Judge finds the wellbeing of the people is the priority in the landmark Kahawai Legal Challenge [more] https://kahawai.co.nz/kahmrklc307.htm


We need at least $80,000!

PLEASE help us to protect this High Court win. We cannot falter after winning such an outright victory. Become part of the winning team by contributing as much as you can.

Dial: 0900 KAHAWAI (0900 52 42 92) to contribute $20 via your phone account

Online: Secure facility https://www.kahawai.co.nz/donation.php

Post: Cheques to ‘Kahawai Challenge Fund', c/o New Zealand Fishing News, PO Box 12-965, Penrose, Auckland.


Shared Fisheries

The People's Submission on the Ministry of Fisheries Shared Fisheries proposals for more fish in the water [more]



If MFish continue with its blinkered implementation of Shared Fisheries proposals the outcome could be catastrophic [more] https://www.option4.co.nz/Updates_and_Alerts/sfsupdate407.htm


Let's get real; the people of this island nation deserve abundant fisheries and healthy marine systems [more]



Just get on with giving effect to the Fisheries Act and don't tell us to give up our right to fish. It is not for sale! [more] https://www.option4.co.nz/Updates_and_Alerts/update80207.htm


Hokianga Accord

Media Release – Mid north iwi fisheries forum opposes Maori Fisheries Trust on Fisheries Amendment Bill [more]



Another successful Hokianga Accord hui was held in mid - April. If you want advance notice of the next hui email your details [more] hui@option4.co.nz 


Aotea (Great Barrier Island) Marine Reserve

The Ngatiwai Trust Board is conducting a series of hui to assist MFish in their consultation process regarding the marine reserve application. Two hui have concluded another three are scheduled before the end of June.


Hector's Dolphin Threat Management

A petition has been launched by a number of organisations to ban the use of set nets nationally. MFish have agreed to discuss the Hector's Dolphin Threat Management plan with Manukau Harbour residents and fishers. Get along to Titirangi RSA, South Titirangi Rd, Titirangi, on Monday 28 th May at 7pm to hear more. Phone Dave (RSA) on 09 8176415.

Thank you for your support and willingness to stay informed.


Please help If you value the work option4 do on your behalf please make a donation. There is so much more we could do to improve the advocacy we provide.

Please go here for two easy ways to make a contribution and invest in you and your children's fishing future.
Fishing news

Spectra fishing line

Fishing News