option4 Update # 44 July 2004

Your Right to Fish

Private or Public Foreshore

NZ Fishing News Update # 44 July 2004

Privatisation of public resources has been happening at breakneck speed in the past few years. Our fisheries have been divided into tradeable quotas and now, it seems, we could lose our common law rights to the foreshore…


NZRFC Conference

Brief report on the NZRFC conference held in Whangarei including an insight into how the political parties view fisheries management and other issues


Fisheries Management


Decision due

The Minister is due to make his decision very soon. We anticipate it will be later this week. Standby for the biggest decision David Benson-Pope has had to make so far in his role as our Minister of Fisheries.


Must read – Northland Conservation Board's submission including a radical proposal to reduce TAC by 10% for conservation purposes.


Kahawai should be returned to the public

July 2004

Press release from option4


Letter to DoC

July 2004

option4 write to the manager of the Marine Conservation Unit expressing concern about DoC's inaction during the kahawai process in relation to seabirds and mammals.


Stuffing around our kahawai stocks

July 2004

What will he do? The country's kahawai stocks are about to be divvied up by a Minister of Fisheries fresh to the job and with little knowledge of it……


Diverse perspectives

July 2004

A compilation of submissions on the proposal to introduce kahawai into the Quota Management System.



No court time and no new date set. Update on the appeal to allow mussel farms in Port Fitzroy, Great Barrier Island.


Marine Protection

Mimiwhangata marine reserve

July 2004

DoC have initiated another marine reserve proposal. This time it is to change the Mimiwhangata marine park to a marine reserve. The proposal document and related information can be found here..


Great Barrier Island

DoC have not released the application for a marine reserve yet but it's not far away. Expected release date was July 17, no sign of it yet.

Standby for more..

Still no mention of a coordinated, integrated approach to marine protection.


News & Issues

Sand and Sea AGM - Be There and Be Positive

July 2004

The group established in response to the West Coast Marine Park proposal are holding their AGM on Thursday 29 July.

Venue: Deerstalkers Hall, 7 Target Road, Point Chevalier, Auckland.

Time: 7.30pm

Please attend and contribute to the ongoing effort to maintain access to our wild west coast. After reading the Mimiwhangata proposal how long do you think it will be before this becomes a marine reserve proposal?


NZCCC Press Release

July 2004

NZCCC chairman reacts to DoC's move to destroy a family's bush hideaway after 18 years of enjoyment.




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