option4 Update # 43 June 2004

Marine Protection

Protecting our precious marine environment

NZ Fishing News Update # 43 June 2004

If ever there was a time to ride the wave of public awareness for the need to protect our precious marine environment now is the hour. Gone is the alibi of ignorance and obliviousness...


Marine Reserves

Paterson Inlet - June 2004

Selfish attempts from groups intent on sabotaging the Government's marine reserve vision in New Zealand would fail, Conservation Minister Chris Carter said when announcing the latest marine reserve at Stewart Island. And that's not all......


Your Right to Fish

“Blast from the past”

In 2000 Jon Gadsby penned this article for the Metro magazine. A reread certainly helps to put core issues into perspective. Well done Jon Gadsby.


Fisheries Management


June 2004

Easy to use submission form online. If you haven't made a submission yet, please do so. Join almost 1900 others and have your say.


FAQ - The most common question

Should we stop fishing during spawning?

Then there would be more fish able to spawn, more eggs in the water and more fish in the future. The simple answer is that more eggs does not mean more fish will survive from that breeding season....


News & Issues

NZACA News - June 2004


The inaugural online newsletter from the NZ Angling and Casting Association. Find out what's happening on the beaches and more.....(324K pdf)



Storm Bay, Great Barrier

This issue is really about the rights of the public to utilise a traditional sheltered anchorage over the rights of a commercial operation to exclude the public for financial gain.


Auckland Conservation Board

The next meeting of the ACB is Thursday 24th June. Venue is the DoC office, 6th floor, corner Karangahape Road and Liverpool Street. 9.30am. Be there to hear an update on the Great Barrier Island marine reserve proposal from DoC.




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