option4 Update #33 December 2003

Dear [ supporter ]

We're back. We apologise for not producing an Update for you last month. We have been overwhelmed with meetings, submissions and letter writing.

The process to improve your rights to fish for food.
The following extract from the consensus letter written to the Minister 1/12/03 offers some insight

Minister of Fisheries
Hon Pete Hodgson
1st December, 2003.

Re: Reference Group review of the "Reform of the amateur marine fishing right" draft proposal.

Dear Sir,

Subsequent to our meeting with you in Wellington , 1/10/03, we have carefully considered and reviewed the proposed Reform Package with a view to determining the level of support we can offer you for the elements proposed. Our review has involved a number of meetings, the commissioning of a legal opinion on some of the proposed changes to the Act and constant discussion between all Reference Group members and their respective organisations. The findings of this review process, whilst taking longer than initially anticipated, further confirm the consensus that exists within the representative organisations. Some elements of the Reform Package are warmly supported, whilst others have been deemed completely unacceptable.

The results of our review of the proposed Reform Package are -

1. An amendment to section 21 of the Fisheries Act 1996 to provide for explicit allocation criteria the Minister of Fisheries must have regard to when making allocation decisions.

It is our belief that the changes to Section 21 of the Fisheries Act, as suggested in the Reform Package, expose us (the public) to risks that outweigh any benefits.

To that end, we do not support the changes suggested for Section 21 of the Act and any attempt to amend Section 21, as proposed, will be met with the most vigorous opposition........

The letter then goes on to offer the Minister support for a number of elements of the reform proposal. To read the complete text of the letter please go to www.option4.co.nz/refgpl1203.htm

To make more sense of all of this we suggest you read the full text of the Policy Paper outlining the reforms proposed here at. www.option4.co.nz/policypaper.htm

We expect a reply from the Minister in the near future.

NZ Fishing News Updates

Dec 2003

option4 Update #33 posted in the NZ Fishing News December 2003 issue


Marine Protection

Great Barrier  
11 Dec 2003

DoC have no plans to pull back from the proposal for Great Barrier Island . Keep a watch on developments as they come to hand here https://www.option4.co.nz/gbibackgrd.htm

11 Nov 2003

DoC release the long awaited summary of submissions to their marine reserve proposal

More »
(398K pdf)
11 Nov 2003

The full submissions from the public on the Barrier proposal

More »
(552K pdf)
11 Nov 2003

DoC update on the Great Barrier Island marine reserve proposal

More »
11 Nov 2003

DoC still claiming ' a core of support' for their marine reserve proposal at the Barrier

More »

Paterson Inlet


5 Nov 2003

Pete Hodgson responds to option4's request with a two week extension, till 11 Nov

More »
23 Oct 2003

option4 request a 60 day extension to the submission period for input into the concurrence decision for the proposed reserve

More »
Sept 2003

Ministry of Fisheries presentation to the public meetings asking for submissions on the Paterson Inlet marine reserve application.

More »
Sept 2003

Department of Conservation brochure for the Paterson Inlet marine reserve proposal (application).

More »
July 2002

The Minister of Conservation's media statement announcing her approval of the Paterson Inlet marine reserve.

More »
Dec 1994

The original application for a marine reserve at Paterson Inlet.

More »
(349K pdf)


Meetings Attended

Nov 2003

option4 attendance report from a Fishery Economics course at Auckland University


George Mason

On Thursday December 4 th , we were privileged to attend the memorial service for George Mason - a truly great man who served us all throughout his remarkable life. Born on Great Barrier, George was a farmer, a returned serviceman, County Councillor and the first policeman on the Barrier. For many, many years he was the dedicated and totally committed operator of Channel 1, Great Barrier Radio. He will be sorely missed by all of us who he has served so well for so long.

We arrived at the Whangaparapara wharf to a spine tingling and thrilling powhiri delivered by John De Silva's young men from Mangati Bay . Then the long, slow walk to the Lodge, accompanied by the bagpipes, where we came together with the residents of Great Barrier - the Medlands, Blackwell, Sanderson and Mabey families. The family of Ngati Wai ki Aotea. More boats and their crews, all members of the Great Barrier Radio and Hauraki Gulf family.

A beautiful service led by Harry Walker, endless speeches of appreciation and celebration of this wonderful man. He touched many, so meaningfully over decades of selfless service and assistance.

Our return voyage to Auckland came all too soon. Out into the Gulf - the Jet Raider full of old friends, new friends, on flat calm water with dolphins, birds and schooling fish in all directions. So many shared memories - absolute magic.

RIP George.

Update Format

We have changed the format of the Updates as there is so much information to share with you, now and over the next few months. Please offer feedback on the new format, we want to give you the understanding and information in the most efficient way. Any comments welcome please email trish@option4.co.nz

Finally - PLEASE introduce a friend to the option4 Update - simply click here https://option4.co.nz/promote.php and enter their name and email address. If you don't help them to stay abreast of the issues, how can we expect them to react meaningfully when we, the public, are offered opportunity to have a say on important developments affecting our fishing.


Have a Happy Xmas from the team at option4

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